BISILMAG: Bifunctional silica and magnetite spherical particles with tailored porosity and surface chemistry for complex water treatment



The project is financed from the SASPRO Programme – a programme of the Slovak Academy of Sciences dedicated for experienced scientists from abroad who are interested in working in the organisations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The project is funded by  the  People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme under REA grant agreement No. 609427 and by co-funding of Slovak Academy of Sciences.


Duration of the project:

01.03.2016 – 31.12.2018

About the project:

The purpose of the BISILMAG project is to develop bi(or multi)functional silica and magnetically removable adsorbents for water purification and remediation securing removal of chemical pollutants both organic and inorganic nature. SASPRO unites the efforts of the scientists and their expertise in two adjacent fields – synthesis and functionalization of mesoporous silica and silica-based adsorbents from Ukraine and advanced experience in physicochemical characterization of surface binding with valuable experience of their implementation in water purification from the Slovak side. Our specific aims: 1)Creation of silica microsheres with well defined composition for selective uptake of metal cations. 2)Сombination the properties of magnetite (easy removal from the reaction medium, recovery) with the assets of functionalized polysiloxane (specific groups, large specific surface area) and contribute to the selective removal of contaminating cations and organic molecules simultaneously. 3) Synthesis of nanocomposite multi-functional microparticles, testing them on wastewater samples modeling complex water systems. The goals will be achieved through coordinated research uniting the efforts of specialists in materials synthesis, characterization and application. In addition these materials are promising for applications in chromatography, drug delivery, creation of chemo- and biosensors, etc.


SASPRO Visiting Researcher:

Dr. Inna Melnyk, PhD.  download CV

Scientist in Charge: 

Ing.Miroslava Václavíková, PhD.


Objectives of the project:

The objectives of BISILMAG project is to create sorbents with binary functionality (functionctional groups of different nature), high sorption capacity (available groups of 2-3 mmol/g), good kinetic characteristics (mesoporous structure of the functional layer), easy retrievable from the reaction solution (magnetic) and with ability of rapid regeneration. To meet the sustainable ecological and economic requirements, our goal is geared towards the realization of the development of advanced adsorptive polysiloxane functionalized magnetic nanoparticles to remove heavy metal ions and organic dyes from water resources. With the development of new functionalized magnetic and silica nanoparticles it would be possible to separate a large part of the relevant heavy metals and dyes from urban wastewater treatment plants and industrial wastewater.
The originality of project lies in the use of organic-inorganic hybrid nanoparticles as elementary building units for the formation of new sorbent materials.


Project publications:

Journal papers

  1. Tomina V., Melnyk I., Zub Y., Kareiva A., Vaclavikova M., Seisenbaeva G., Kessler V. Tailoring bifunctional hybrid organic-inorganic nanoadsorbents by the choice of functional layer composition probed by adsorption of Cu2+ ions// Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2017, 8, 334–347. doi:10.3762/bjnano.8.36 (IF 2.968)
  2. Kotsyuda S.S., Tomina V.V., Zub Y.L., Furtat I.M., Lebed A.P., Vaclavikova M., Melnyk I.V. Bifunctional silica nanospheres with 3-aminopropyl and phenyl groups. Synthesis approach and prospects of their applications //Applied Surface Science 2017, 420, 782-791. DOI 10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.05.150 (IF 4.439)
  3. Gdula K., Skwarek E., Dabrowski A., Melnyk I. Amine-functionalized silica particles with magnetic core as magnetically removable adsorbents of Ag(I) ions // Adsorption Science and Technology 2017, 35 (5-6), 432–438. DOI: 10.1177/0263617417694365 (IF 0.609)
  4. Stolyarchuk N.V., Kolev H., Kanuchova M., Keller R., Vaclavikova M., Melnyk I.V. Synthesis and sorption properties of bridged polysilsesquioxane microparticles containing 3-mercaptopropyl groups in the surface layer // Colloids and Surfaces A 2018, 538, 694–702. (IF 2.829)
  5. Melnyk I.V., Pogorilyi R.P., Zub Y.L., Vaclavikova M., Gdula K., Dąbrowski A., Seisenbaeva G.A., Kessler V.G. 2018, Scientific reports 2018, 8(1), DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-26767-w (IF 4.12)
  6. Melnyk I.V., Nazarchuk G.I., Vaclavikova M., Zub Yu.L., 2018, Applied Nanoscience DOI 10.1007/s13204-018-0761-5 (IF 2.951)


  1. Melnyk I., Stoliarchuk N., Václavíková M. Removal of metal ions from wastewater using amino- and mercapto-containing silica spheres// The 6th International Conference on Carpathian Euroregion, Ecology, CERECO-2017, Berehove, Transcarpathia, Ukraine, 30 March-1 April 2017. – Proceedings, Uzhgorod: RIK-U, 2017, p. 146-151 (oral presentation)
  2. Melnyk I.V., Vaclavikova M., Seisenbaeva G.A., Kessler V.G. Functionalized magnetic silica with complexing groups as effective solid phase adsorbents // Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Waste Recycling, December 7, 2017, Kosice, Slovakia – p.22-25 (oral presentation)


  1. Melnyk I.V., Stolyarchuk N.V., Zub Yu.L., Vaclavikova M. Regulation of the porosity and the surface layer structure of silica nanoparticles with bifunctional surface layer using one-step sol-gel technique// The Ukrainian Conference with international participation “Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface” devoted to the 30th anniversary of the founding of Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine, 17-18 May 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine. – p.126 (poster presentation).
  2. Melnyk I., Zub Y., Gdula K., Dabrowski A., Vaclavikova M., Seisenbaeva G., Kessler V. Comparative characteristic of silica and magnetite/silica nanoparticles with mono- (≡Si(CH2)3NH2) and bifunctional surface layers ( ≡Si(CH2)3NH2/≡SiCH3) obtained by one-pot synthesis // Trends in Inorganic Chemistry “Functional hybrid materials: Structure elucidation from molecular to macro level” A workshop and training school, 25-27 May 2016, Stockholm, Sweden. – p.37 (poster presentation).
  3. Stolyarchuk N.V., Melnyk I.V., Zub Yu.L., Vaclavikova M. Bridged polysilsesquioxane nanoparticles containing 3-mercaptopropyl groups in surface layer // 4th International research and practice conference Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials NANO-2016, August 24 – 27, 2016, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine – p.238 (poster presentation).
  4. Nazarchuk G.I., Melnyk I.V., Vaclavikova M., Zub Yu.L. Application of SBA-15 type mesoporous silica with thiourea ligand for removal of toxic Cd (II) ions from aqueous solutions // XV Ukrainian-Polish Symposium Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Interfacial Phenomena and Their Technological Applications, September 12-15, 2016, Lviv, Ukraine. – p.106
  5. Melnyk I.V., Zub Yu.L., Vaclavikova M. Creation, structure and properties of spherical sorbents based on functionalized polysiloxane matrices // Fourth International Conference of CIS Countries “Sol-gel synthesis and study of inorganic compounds, hybrid functional materials, and disperse systems”, „Sol-gel 2016“, September 19-23, 2016, Yerevan, Armenia – p. 16 (plenar lecture)
  6. Melnyk I., Zub Y., Gdula K., Dabrowski A., Vaclavikova M., Seisenbaeva G., Kessler V. Sorption properties of spherical silica and magnetite/silica materials with amino- and amino-/methyl surface layers obtained by one-pot synthesis // 3rd Workshop on  Water & Soil Clean-up from Mixed Contaminants, September 22-23, 2016, Kosice, Slovakia – p.32 (oral presentation)
  7. BespalkoO., Melnyk I., Tomina V., Stolyarchuk N., Zub Y., Vaclavikova M. Magnetite/silica nanocomposites as solid-phase extractants for heavy metal ions // 4th International Conference “Nanotechnologies” Nano – 2016, October 24 – 27, 2016, Tbilisi, Georgia – p. 27
  8. Melnyk I., Tomina V., Stoliarchuk N., Nazarchuk G., Václavíková M., Seisenbaeva G., Kessler V. Surface design of silica nanoparticles for multifunctional application //Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials Conference: Fifth International Conference on 6-10 March, 2017 Lisbon, Portugal. – Lisbon, Portugal: Elsevier, 2017, p. SYM4.49. (oral presentation)
  9. Melnyk I., Nazarchuk G., Václavíková M., Seisenbaeva G., Kessler V. Hybrid polysiloxane sorption materials carrying thiourea functional groups // Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials Conference: Fifth International Conference on 6-10 March, 2017 Lisbon, Portugal. – Lisbon, Portugal: Elsevier, 2017, p. P3.130 (poster presentation).
  10. Bespalko O.V., Stolyarchuk N.V., Тоmina V.V., Vaclavikova M., Melnyk I.V. Functionalization of magnetite nanoparticles by aminopropyl groups using 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (in Ukr.) // X Ukrainian scientific conference for students and young scientists with international participation “Current chemical problems”, Book of abstract. – Vinnytsia, Ukraine: LLC Nilan-LTD, 2017, p. 248.
  11. Bespalko O.V., Stolyarchuk N.V., Тоmina V.V., Vaclavikova M., Melnyk I.V. Functionalization of magnetite nanoparticles with mercaptopropyl groups using 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane // Ukrainian conference with international participation “Chemistry, physics and technology of surface”, 24-25 May, Kyiv, Ukraine, p.26
  12. Nazarchuk G.I., Melnyk I.V., Vaclavikova M., Zub Yu.L. Comparative characteristic of sorption properties of mesoporous silica with thiourea ligand towards heavy metals // Ukrainian conference with international participation “Chemistry, physics and technology of surface”, 24-25 May, Kyiv, Ukraine, p.111
  13. Melnyk V., Vaclavikova M., Seisenbaeva G.A., Kessler V.G. Magnetosensitive materials functionalized by thiourea groups for selective Copper (II) ions adsorption// Oorgandagarna – Inorganic Days, 12-14 June 2017, Nynäshamn, Sweden – session IV (oral presentation)
  14. MelnykV., Tomina V.V., Stolyarchuk N.V., Vaclavikova M., Seisenbaeva G.A., Kessler V.G. A comparative study of sorption properties of nano and microparticles (silica, polysilsesquioxane, magnetite/silica composite) with amino-containing functional groups // NANOAPP 2017 Nanomaterials & Application, 14-18 June 2017, Bled, Slovenia (poster presentation).
  15. Kotsyuda S.S., Furtat I.M., Lebed A.P., Tomina V.V., Kanuchova M., Vaclavikova M., Melnyk I.V. Silica nanoparticles with amino or amino/phenyl groups and adsorbed Cu(II) ions as antibacterial and antifungal agents // International research and practical conference: Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (NANO-2017), 23-26 August 2017, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, p.627 (poster presentation).
  16. Melnyk I.V., Tomina V.V., Stolyarchuk N.V., Vaclavikova M. Sorption properties of bifunctional silica microspheres to metal and organic compounds for complex water treatment // Sol-gel 2017, Book of abstracts, Liege, Belgium, 3-8 September 2017, 179 (poster presentation).
  17. Furtat I.M., Lebed A.P., Kotsyuda S.S., Tomina V.V., Vaclavikova M., Melnyk I.V. The impact of silica functionalized microspheres on the ability of microorganisms to adhesion and biofilms formation // XVth Congress of Vinogradskyi Society of Microbiologists of Ukraine, Abstracts of reports, September 11-15, 2017, Odesa, Ukraine, р.161
  18. Melnyk I.V., Tomina V.V., Stolyarchuk N.V., Vaclavikova M., Seisenbaeva G.A., Kessler V.G. Tuning the complexing properties of the surface functional groups by means of incorporating alkyl radicals in the silica particles // III Ukrainian-Polish scientific conference “Membrane and sorption processes and technologies“, December 12-14, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine. Book of abstracts, p.178-179 (poster presentation).
  19. Tomina V.V., Melnyk I.V., Vaclavikova M., Seisenbaeva G.A., Kessler V.G. Engineering of silica particles with bipolar sides containing amino- and mercapto- functions // III Ukrainian-Polish scientific conference “Membrane and sorption processes and technologies“, December 12-14, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine. Book of abstracts, p.296-297 (poster presentation).
  20. Bespalko O.V., Stolyarchuk N.V., Тоmina V.V., Vaclavikova M., Melnyk I.V. Development of magnetic composites with adjustable porosity, hydrophobic surface and functionality // III Ukrainian-Polish scientific conference “Membrane and sorption processes and technologies“, December 12-14, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine. Book of abstracts, p.53-54
  21. Bespalko O.V., Stolyarchuk N.V., Тоmina V.V., Vaclavikova M., Melnyk I.V. The formation of polysilsesquioxane-based materials with bifunctional surface layer //  Ukrainian conference with international participation: Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Surface, 23-24 May 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine, p.28 (poster presentation)
  22. Melnyk I.V., Tomina V.V., Stolyarchuk N.V., Kolev H., Kanuchova M., Vaclavikova M. Design of the silica particles’ surface for the adsorption of both inorganic and organic substances // The International Symposium on Inorganic and Environmental Materials, 17-21 June 2018, Ghent, Belgium, p. P1-FUN-3 (poster presentation)
  23. MelnykV., Тоmina V.V., Stolyarchuk N.V., Bespalko О.V., Behunova D., Vaclavikova М. Creation of hybrid organo-inorganic nanoabsorbents with required surface chemistry // 15th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN18), 3-6 July 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, p.204 (poster presentation)
  24. Melnyk І.V., Bespalko О.V., Stolyarchuk V., Тоmina V.V., Vaclavikova М. Surface design of magnetite/silica adsorbents// International research and practice conference “Nanotechnology and nanomaterials” (NANO-2018), 27-30 August 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine, Book of abstracts, p. 206 (poster presentation)
  25. Melnyk V., Тоmina V.V., Stolyarchuk N.V., Lebed A.P., Furtat I.M., Kanuchova M., Behunova D., Vaclavikova М. Surface and porosity engineering of aminosilica nanoparticles for different applications // International conference „ECOBALT 2018“, Vilnius, Lithuania, 25-27 October 2018, p.27 (oral presentation)
  26. Storozhuk , Vaclavikova M., Melnyk I. Synthesis of poly(lactic-co-glicolic)-coated magnetic nanoparticles as efficient carriers for nanomedicine // 20-th International Conference-School Advanced Materials and Technologies August 27-31, 2018, Palanga, Lithuania, p.116
  27. Stolyarchuk N.V., Тоmina V.V., Vaclavikova М., Melnyk І.V. Hybrid organic-inorganic nanoparticles containing aminopropyl and mercaptopropyl groups // International meeting “Clusters and nanostructured materials (CNM-5)”, Uzhgorod Vodograj Ukraine, 22-26 October 2018, p.271-272
  28. Melnyk Target silica spheres for water purification // International Conference on nanomaterials and nanotechnology, October 29-30, 2018, London, UK, Journal of Materials Science and nanotechnology, October 2018, V.2, p.16 (plenary presentation)
  29. Melnyk V., Тоmina V.V., Stolyarchuk N.V., Lebed A.P., Furtat I.M., Kanuchova M., Vaclavikova М. Effect of synthesis conditions on the formation of spherical silica particles with amino groups and their investigation in sorption and as antibacterial agents //International V4 Waste Recycling XXI Conference, Miskolci Egyetem, 22-23 November 2018, Miskolc (Hungary), p.76 (oral presentation)





poster Lviv 2016


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