CLEANWATER – Multifunkčné udržateľné adsorbenty na úpravu vody pomocou plazmových technológií a na ochranu zdravia pred xenobiotikami | |
Multifunctional sustainable adsorbents for water treatment assisted with plasma technologies and for health protection from xenobiotics | |
Program: | Horizont Európa |
Project leader: | Melnyk Inna, PhD. |
Annotation: | Contamination of drinking-water is an urgent global health concern, preferentially in rural areas, and is highly related to the poor and vulnerable population. This challenge requires a single, easy to handle and low-cost solution able to decrease the levels of pathogens, chemical and radiological hazards to tolerable levels in a single and simple pot (from a sorbent on a glass to a more powerful cold plasma technology). Furthermore, climate change, natural disasters and the actual war in Ukraine urges having available fast effective solutions to avoid the spread of waterborne epidemies and being exposed to unsafe levels of heavy metals or hazardous organic pollutants. The complexity of such contamination including organic/inorganic species, cationic/anionic species, different size and shape, etc., requires a multicomponent system and/or device, in the form of a tablet or monolith, able to tackle specifically each of these hazards at once. In addition, this multicomponent system, besides tacking the problem in water, can be prepared and/or modified to be biocompatible so that it can also be used as a dietary complement to mitigate/remove all these hazards in human body (as enterosorbent). Based on these premises, the main goal of the CLEANWATER project is the design and development of multicomponent sorbents prepared by the combination of safe materials (e.g., activated carbons, bone-chars, pectins, among others) able to eliminate these contaminants in drinking water in a single pot or in combination with cold plasma for complete destruction. Furthermore, this sorbent will be modified accordingly to be applied in human body as a dietary complement to remove these species once assimilated in the body. |
Duration: | 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2027 |
na-As-Se – Nanoštrukturované amorfné selenidy arzénu na-As-Se: perspektívna cesta v materiálovom výskume a inžinierstve nanokompozitných materiálov | |
Nanostructured Amorphous Arseno-Selenides na-As-Se: on the path towards great challenging issue in contemporary nanocomposite materials science and engineering | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Mgr. Lukáčová Bujňáková Zdenka, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project deals with development of novel multifunctional media for contemporary photonics, IR optoelectronics, telecommunication and sensing technique, as well as biomedicine based on mechanically activated nanostructured amorphous arsenic selenides, na-As-Se (nano-arseno-selenides). The coupled nanostructurization–re-amorphization effects in these substances activated by high-energy milling in dry and wet modes will be recognized in compositional domains including under-stoichiometric, stoichiometric (As3Se3) and over-stoichiometric substances. The quantum-chemical ab-initio models of covalent-network clusters in As-Se system, complemented by structural re-amorphization probes on short- and medium-range atomic ordering (employing X-ray diffraction related to the first sharp diffraction peak, XRD-FSDP) and sub-atomistic free-volume voids (employing positron annihilation spectroscopy in lifetime measuring mode (PALS) developed within the Positronics approach), allow selection the most perspective na-As-Se with optimized exploitation properties for multifunctional applications. This project is grounded on hypothesis that optimal functionality of mechanically activated glassy arseno-selenides is governed by their atomic-specific and atomic-deficient microstructure, i.e. arrangement of both atoms and atomic-deficient free-volume spaces. That is why PALS, probing free-volume imperfections in a condensed matter at the levels stretching far below experimental measuring limits of many conventional microstructural probes, complemented with atomic-sensitive XRD-FSDP method, are the best tools to through more light on the essence of this phenomenon. This collaborative research is opening novel direction in the engineering of the modern multifunctional solid-state media with predicted, guided and reliable exploitation properties, these being mechanically activated nanostructured glassy arseno-selenides in re-amorphized state – nano-arseno-selenides, na-As-Se. |
Duration: | 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2025 |
Sol-gélová syntéza matríc na báze oxidu kremičitého s rôznymi REE-aminokomplexami pre snímacie aplikácie | |
Sol-gel synthesis of silica-based matrices with different REE-amino- complexes for sensing applications | |
Program: | International Visegrad Fund (IVF) |
Project leader: | Melnyk Inna, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.10.2024 – 1.7.2025 |
POTASSIAL – Bezodpadové zhodnotenie živcových surovín: Zelené aplikácie a udržateľné získavanie strategických nerastných surovín. | |
Zero-waste valorisation of feldspathic ores: Green application and sustainable sourcing of strategic raw materials. | |
Program: | ERANET |
Project leader: | Mgr. Achimovičová Marcela, PhD. |
Annotation: | Feldspathic ores containing mainly K-Feldspar (KAlSi3O8) will be valorised by applying several hydro- and pyrometallurgical processes at which KCl, Al2O3, and SiO2 will primarily be produced without generating any solid waste. Objective is to provide new resources for potashand alumina. Targets are to produce fertilizer-grade KCl, high purity Al2O3, synthetic SiO2, Ca-silicate, and SiC from one ore and to sequester CO2 on the same ore.Although there are many studies for K and Al2O3 recovery from feldspars and clays, there are no notable commercial attempt to date. Unlike the other KCl and Al2O3 production methods suggested in the literature, manufacturing KCl, Al2O3, SiO2, Ca-silicate and SiC from the same ore without generating any waste is the novelty of this project. Thus, innovative aspect of the project is that feldspathic ores will be processed as a source of high value-added materials for the first time and with zero-waste approach, thus increasing the economic value of the proposed process. Also, CO2 sequestration capability of the feldsphatic ores will also be verified to enhance the economic importance those types of resources. For increased raw materials efficiency, a novel, hybrid and zero-waste processing method will be put forward. This will be established by exploiting the ores, other than bauxite and natural potash ores, and by applying environmentally sensitive production processes. The project will unlock substantial volume of various raw materials from deposits that cannot be economically or environmentally exploited within or outside the EU through enabling the better efficiency of exploitation of raw materials’ resources and increasing the range andyields of recovered raw materials; and push Europe to the forefront in the area of raw materials processing technologies and increase availability of recovered raw material and create added value products through reducing the amounts of industrial tailings to be disposed or landfilled. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 15.4.2022 – 14.4.2025 |
ZnO nanočastice: syntéza a využitie | |
ZnO nanoparticles: synthesis and application | |
Program: | Iné |
Project leader: | Melnyk Inna, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.9.2023 – 28.2.2025 |
Katalyzátory na báze Co-Pd pre hydrogenáciu CO pripravených impregnáciou a mechanickou aktiváciou/legovaním | |
Supported Co-Pd catalysts for CO hydrogenation synthesized by impregnation and mechanical activation or by mechanical alloying | |
Program: | Mobility |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project aims to enrich and refine the knowledge about the type, role andsignificance of various factors determining the structure and properties of supportedbimetallic Co-Pd catalysts for CO hydrogenation like supported metal(s) dispersion,degree of metal reduction, surface structure of metal particles, extent of the metalphase components influence on the type and properties of adsorbed atoms andcompounds, role of support composition and surface properties. Enrichment andclearance of details of the catalytic CO hydrogenation mechanism could beobtained.The main hypotheses for the study are:- The selectivity and distribution of reaction products is determined by the reductionand dispersion of the metal, as it is established that the main active phase aremetallic nanoparticles where essential part of their surface consists of totallyreduced cobalt atoms (Co0) but some results show necessity of Co0/Con+ couples.- The type of CO adsorption, formation of various CO species will depend on thesurface composition of the studied material – namely the presence/ratio of metal ionsand atoms of the catalytically active components.- Mechanochemical synthesis of catalysts for CO hydrogenation could be profitablefor simultaneous desirable modification of support surface properties |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2024 |
Technológia zelenej syntézy štruktúrne modifikovaných kovových sulfidových nanokompozitov s vysokou fotokatalytickou aktivitou a antibakteriálnymi vlastnosťami | |
Technology of green synthesis of structurally modified metal sulfide nanocomposites with high photocatalytic activity and antibacterial properties | |
Program: | Iné |
Project leader: | RNDr. Baláž Matej, DrSc. |
Annotation: | As part of the project, various binary nanosulfides of transition metals (Zn, Pb, Sn, Mo, Ag, Ni, Cd) and their composites with a potential mixture in photocatatalytic wastewater treatment will be mechanochemically synthesized. The synthesis will be performed by grinding the octane of the respective metal and the eggshell membrane or thiourea as a source of sulfur. Finally, the photocatalytic and antibacterial activity of the products will be tested. |
Duration: | 1.8.2022 – 31.12.2024 |
Vývoj a schvaľovanie technológií pre nové funkčné materiály využívajúce plazmovo-chemické, mechanochemické a samopostupujúce procesy vysokoteplotnej syntézy | |
Development and approbation of technologies for new functional materials using plasma-chemical, mechanochemical and self-propagating high-temperature synthesis processes | |
Program: | Iné |
Project leader: | RNDr. Baláž Matej, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The project consists of four subprograms.In the first subprogram, mechanical activation in the presence of modifying additives will produce new energy-intensive powder materials based on aluminum and its secondary alloys for use in rocket fuels and industrial explosives. The combustion of new materials in SHS processes will be studied under stationary conditions and conditions of centrifugal acceleration, which will improve the accuracy of calculations of mixed systems for use in rocket fuels.The second program is aimed at the development of new adhesive additives to bitumen based on ash from thermal power plant dumps (inorganic additives), as well as waste from fat and oil production (organic additives). The separation of the carbon part of the ash from the mineral and their mechanical activation will increase the affinity of the activated material for both bitumen and stone fillers; this will improve the stability of road surfaces. The use of oil and fat industry waste will reduce the cost of organic additives.The third subprogram will develop technical documentation for a plasma torch and a plasma-chemical reactor for processing industrial and municipal solid waste; The plasma torch and the plasma-chemical reactor will be manufactured and tested. The developed reactor will have a fundamental difference from existing analogues.In the fourth subprogram, new catalytic systems will be obtained by impregnation, solution combustion and SHS, for the conversion of greenhouse gases into synthesis gas; in addition, the technological process of catalytic conversion will be optimized. The industrial use of the results of the subprogram will, firstly, reduce the negative impact of greenhouse gases; secondly, demanded raw materials (synthesis gas) will be obtained. |
Duration: | 1.10.2022 – 31.12.2024 |
Štúdium termoelektrických vlastností mechanochemicky syntetizovanej série vzoriek Cu2-xAgxSe | |
Study of thermoelectric properties of mechanochemically synthesized series of Cu2-xAgxSe samples | |
Program: | Erasmus+ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Drenčaková Dáša |
Annotation: | This project will be focused on study of thermoelectric properties of mechanochemically prepared copper (I) silver selenide. Transition metal chalcogenides, including CuAgSe, are generally known as potential thermoelectric materials, converting waste heat into electricity. Stoichiometric, non-stoichiometric and also doped samples of Cu2-xAgxSe sample series will be synthesized in planetary ball mill by simple, solvent-free method at ambient pressure and temperature. Thermoelectric properties of CuAgSe samples will be investigated. |
Duration: | 2.9.2024 – 30.11.2024 |
Inovatívna stratégia sanácie toxických druhov ortuti v areáli bývalého chemického závodu Pavlodar | |
Innovative remediation strategy for toxic mercury species in the area of former Pavlodar chemical plant | |
Program: | Iné |
Project leader: | RNDr. Baláž Matej, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The project is expected to develop an innovative strategy for remediation of the area of the former Pavlodar (Kazakhstan) chemical plant from mercury toxic forms using data on occurrence of mercury species (including methylmercury, mobile and bioavailable forms). These forms, determined by modern physicochemical and analytical methods, will help to assess the Hg mobility, toxicity and the ability to methylation at this location and will make it possible to propose a rational approach to remediate the territory. In addition, it is planning within the project to develop and offer for commercial use at least one material/product as an in situ amendments to stabilize/immobilize mercury in soils and/or to remove it from water. |
Duration: | 15.4.2022 – 1.11.2024 |
Návrh N-nosnej povrchovej vrstvy oxidu kremičitého hybridných organicko-anorganických častíc pre ich aplikáciu pri čistení priemyselných odpadových vôd | |
Design of the N-bearing surface layer of silica hybrid organic-inorganic particles for their application in industrial wastewater treatment | |
Program: | International Visegrad Fund (IVF) |
Project leader: | Melnyk Inna, PhD. |
Annotation: | The development of adsorbents for water purification remains an urgent task. Therefore the main goal of the project is to develop novel silica-based materials with desired surface functionalities. The research objectives of the project are: a) optimization of one-pot synthesis of hybrid organo-inorganic particles with different N-containing functional groups: -NH2, =NH, -NHNH2, -NHNHNH2, -NR3 and their protonated forms; b) analysis of the structure-property relationship of the obtained materials, with an adjustment of the synthesis to increase the availability of functional groups and improve structural properties; c) sorption tests to remove As, Sb ions from aqueous solutions, determination of sorption parameters (pH, contact time, sorption capacity, sorbent regeneration) in model solutions and real wastewater; d) dissemination of the findings in articles and conference presentations. |
Duration: | 1.10.2023 – 31.7.2024 |
Štúdium elektrochemických vlastností komplexných oxidov na báze spinelu ako anódového materiálu pre lítium-iónové batérie | |
Study of electrochemical properties of complex oxides based on spinel as anode material for lithium-ion batteries | |
Program: | Erasmus+ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Porodko Olena, PhD. |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 15.8.2023 – 15.12.2023 |
MechSustInd – CA18112: Mechanochémia pre obnoviteľný priemysel | |
CA18112: Mechanochemistry for Sustainable Industry | |
Program: | COST |
Project leader: | RNDr. Baláž Matej, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Organic mechanochemistry has been shown to enable the reduction, or the elimination, of solvents, while ensuring increased yields and scope of substrates compared to solution-phase synthesis, better crystallinity of final products, and access to products that can be formed only under mechanical activation conditions. This COST Action aims at establishing a multi-disciplinary network of European scientists, engineers, technologists, entrepreneurs, industrialists and investors addressing the exploitation of mechanical activation in the production of chemicals through sustainable and economically convenient practices on the medium and large scales. Specifically, this Action addresses the objective of harmonizing fundamental and applied research with technological innovation and industrial needs, representing the necessary step for enhancing the impact of mechanical processing onto organic synthesis and transferring specific knowledge into the industrial value chains. The Action aims to nucleate a critical mass of actors from EU research Institutions, enterprises and industries, bringing together different areas of expertise and application. The creation of an authoritative community to promote the study of mechanochemistry and encourage its utilization in production processes will catalyze strategic advances in European chemical industry. The favorable features of mechanically activated (organic) transformations is expected to enable the attainment of far-reaching objectives connected with the development of green economy, the improvement of European market competitors’ capabilities, the innovation of process engineering, and the growth of a new generation of specialized researchers. |
Duration: | 1.5.2019 – 31.8.2023 |
Výbuchy v guľových mlynoch – využitie mechanicky vyvolaných samošíriacich sa reakcií na syntézu materiálov | |
Explosions in ball mills – utilizing mechanically-induced self-propagating reactions for materials synthesis | |
Program: | SAS-UPJŠ ERC Visiting Fellowship Grants |
Project leader: | RNDr. Baláž Matej, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Mechanochemical synthesis utilizing tools of high-energy ball milling is a solvent-free, sustainable, and environmentally friendly synthetic methodology applied in multiple areas of chemistry. Inorganic mechanochemistry, albeit being the older branch, is currently in the shadow of its organic analogue. The aim of this project is to bring a renaissance to this field via the investigation of mechanically induced self-propagating reactions (MSR), which offer the possibility to prepare inorganic compounds via controllable explosive reaction pathways in very short time. This possibility will be demonstrated on the synthesis of metal chalcogenides (MCs), a group of semiconductor compounds containing Earth-abundant elements with multidisciplinary applications. The conventional syntheses of nanocrystalline MCs (e.g, solvothermal or high-temperature one) are time-consuming and energy-demanding, as they require the use of solvents and external heating/pressure. This can be avoided by using the blitz mechanochemical synthesis via MSR proposed here. This field is rather unexplored and thus needs fundamental studies aimed on the understanding of the phenomena behind. This seems to yield a concept that should widely be applied as a completely new synthesis tool for a wide array of compounds. |
Duration: | 1.5.2023 – 31.7.2023 |
Syntéza guľovitých častíc oxidu kremičitého s karboxylovou funkčnou skupinou v jednej nádobe a ich aplikácia na odstránenie REE z vodných roztokov | |
One-pot synthesis of silica spherical particles with carboxyl functionality and their application for REEs removal from aqueous solutions | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Mgr. Kyshkarova Viktoriia, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.2.2023 – 30.4.2023 |
Anorganicky modifikované smektity ako multifunkčné sorbenty s cieľovými aplikáciami pri sanácii vodného prostredia | |
Inorganically modified smectites as multifunctional sorbents for target applications in the aqueous environment remediation | |
Program: | Mobility |
Project leader: | RNDr. Dolinská Silvia, PhD. |
Annotation: | Due to the increasing demands for the development of new materials with specific properties and a wide range of applications, there is a necessary to prepare and comprehensively characterize materials to achieve this trend. The project is aimed at design and preparation of composite materials based on selected clay minerals from the smectite group with manganese oxides andverification of their efficiency as new types of multifunctional sorbents. The preparation will beperformed by precipitation of manganese oxides on the surface of chemically modified smectites. Natural clay minerals and modified composites will be characterized by chemical, thermal, microscopic analysis, X-ray powder diffraction analysis and infrared spectroscopy. The obtained composites will be used as multifunctional sorbents with enhanced sorption efficiency of heavymetals and drug residues in the remediation of the aqueous environment. The application of smectite/manganese oxide composites as sorbents in the process of pharmaceutical micropollutants removal is a new research focus in this field. |
Duration: | 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2022 |
COMOX – Elektrolyty na báze komplexných oxidov pre výrobu energie: Mechanosyntéza a elektrochemické vlastnosti. | |
Complex oxide electrolytes for energy conversion technologies: Mechanosynthesis and electrochemical characterization. | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | The proposed joint project is aimed at the development of novel nanocrystalline oxide electrolytes with modified structures and morphologies and enhanced functional properties for high-temperature electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies. The main objectives include preparation of complex perovskite-type oxides with designed compositions employing calcination-free mechanochemical synthesis optimized for a short reaction time, development of sintering procedures for fabrication of dense electrolyte ceramics with controlled grain-size distribution, and systematic analysis of relationships between composition, (micro)structure and ionic transport. Non-conventional mechanosynthesis approach is envisaged as cost-effective and fast route forfabrication of solid electrolytematerialswith controlled microstructure and improved electrochemical performance, and thus encompasses a promising pathway contributing to development of electrochemical storage for renewable energy. |
Duration: | 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2022 |
Lokálna štruktúra dopovaných podvojných oxidov nanokryštalických rozmerov pomocou sofistikovaných fyzikálno-analytických metód. Prenos poznatkov a vzdelávanie. | |
Insight to local structure of doped/nanocrystalline complex oxides by sophisticated physico-chemical methods. Educational approach. | |
Program: | Mobility |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | Functional properties of advanced materials are significantly influenced by their preparation including size of crystallites and formation of defects. Apart variety of several groups of materials, complex and/or doped oxides are still widely used and studied because of high variety of applications. Nevertheless, the synthesis procedure contributes to their applications as it can influence their structure, size, morphology, formation of vacancies, structure distortion etc. Synthesis of materials by ball milling is considered to fast and simple method for preparation of oxides of various composition and structures with modified structures. However, standard available X-ray diffraction methods are often unsufficient to get insight real structure of prepared materials. In this context, spectroscopy methods provides very detail information on local structure of investigated samples. It is the main objective of the proposal to cooperate in the field of spectroscopy-oriented study of mechanosynthesized oxides for advanced applications involving training of PhD students/young scientists. |
Duration: | 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2022 |
Syntéza nových komplexných oxidov a vplyv ich štruktúry na fyzikálne a elektrochemické vlastnosti | |
Synthesis of novel complex oxides and the effect of their structure on physical and electrochemical properties | |
Program: | Erasmus+ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Porodko Olena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project focuses on the synthesis and characterization a new type of high entropy oxides (HEOs) as possible new class of materials for energy storage devices. HEOsprovide great deal due to their novel and unexpected properties. However, despite of their elemental composition, it is well known that the method of the inorganicmaterials preparation affects their properties significantly. One of the alternatives for synthesis of inorganic materials offers mechanochemical synthesis, very oftenresulting in nanoscale products, that are prepared by solvent-free method and in relatively short reacting time without post-heating. This is in hand with novel trends indeveloping simpler processes for the synthesis of solidstate reactions of oxides that avoid high-temperature processing. Moreover, the high-energy ball milling cancreate defects that affect the final properties of products. The project is focused on synthesis and characterization of novel classes of high-entropy oxides. |
Duration: | 1.11.2022 – 31.12.2022 |
RecoRaw – Získavanie kritických surovín z priemyselných odpadov progresívnymi metódami | |
Recovery of critical raw materials from industrial wastes by advanced methods | |
Program: | Mobility |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The general objective of the submitted project is the study and development of advanced economic and environmentally viable methods, such as innovative integrated bio-hydrometallurgical processes; for the critical metals recovery from various types industrial wastes. |
Duration: | 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2022 |
NanoMed – Nanopórovité a nanoštruktúrne materiály pre medicínske aplikácie | |
Nanoporous and Nanostructured Materials for Medical Applications | |
Program: | Horizont 2020 |
Project leader: | Ing. Václavíková Miroslava, PhD. |
Annotation: | The main focus of this project is on developing advanced and more efficient methods of treatment of radiation sickness, radio-related toxicity, heavy metal poisoning and radiation cancerogenesis prevention. In this inter- and multidisciplinary project the applicants bring together complementary expertise in physical chemistry and chemical engineering, pharmacology, biochemistry, toxicology and medicine that would be transferred across the discipline boundaries and bring innovative and original solutions to develop a nanoporous sorbent-based method of health protection by adsorbing the target substances that are not currently removed or neutralised by alternative existing systems. |
Duration: | 1.1.2017 – 31.10.2022 |
Veda s cieľom: Zlepšenie environmentálnej vedy na kazašských univerzitách | |
Science with a Purpose: Improving Environmental Science in Kazakhstani Universities | |
Program: | Iné |
Project leader: | RNDr. Baláž Matej, DrSc. |
Annotation: | This American Councils Kazakhstani Partnerships project will help recruit new environmental scientists and engineers in Kazakhstan by modernizing graduate level environmental science curricula and enhance teaching capacity at three Kazakhstani universities. Activities supported will provide new curriculum and demonstrate utility through environmental research projects focused on water and air quality, and remediation chemistry. The project will build research capacities in water and air quality, treatment and purification chemistry through increased scholar exchange, academic and research collaboration, and joint publications. It will enhance institutional capacity in participating universities supporting long-term academic mobility of students and researchers between U.S. and Kazakhstani universities using existing Kazakhstani and U.S. funding programs. This “Science with a Purpose” project will help prepare Kazakhstan for sustainable development by training a workforce in environmental science and engineering. The role of Dr. Baláž is to share with Kazakh students his rich experience in writing and submitting articles to CC/IF magazines. |
Duration: | 1.3.2022 – 30.9.2022 |
Hybridné polyméry pre odstraňovanie ťažkých kovov z priemyselných odpadových vôd | |
Hybrid polymers for the removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewater | |
Program: | Erasmus+ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Kyshkarova Viktoriia, PhD. |
Annotation: | Hybrid composites prepared by the sol-gel method have currently received attention due to their excellent combination of organic and inorganic parts in one material. The diversity of properties of such materials leads to a very broad range of their applications including water purification. The main aim of the project is the preparation of composite adsorbents based on silica and different types of polymers with carboxylic surface groups for the removal of inorganic (metal ions) and organic (basic dyes) pollutants from waters. Different variations of the sol-gel method will be applied and the synthesis conditions will be chosen to achieve better selectivity towards different metal ions and organic dyes. The advantage of the proposed method of synthesis is one-step, carrying out at room temperature, the use of environmentally friendly substances as solvents. The proposed approaches can be used to create adsorption composites with acid groups based on silica and polymers. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 31.1.2022 – 30.4.2022 |
PROM – Hybridné kompozity na odstraňovanie ťažkých kovov z priemyselných vôd | |
Hybrid composites for the removal of heavy metals from industrial water | |
Program: | Mobility |
Project leader: | Mgr. Kyshkarova Viktoriia, PhD. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 30.11.2021 – 10.12.2021 |
Li +/Na+ pyroxény ako potenciálne materiály pre batériový priemysel | |
Li+/Na+ pyroxenes as potential materials for energy storage industry | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Mgr. Skurikhina Olha |
Annotation: | This project is aimed at preparation on novel pyroxenes (LiTiGe2O6, NaTiGe2O6) that are potential non-toxic, cheap and safe alternatives electrode materials. The pyroxene structure (M2M1T2O6) consists of alternating layers of tetrahedra (TO4) and octahedra (M1O6), that create three-dimensional structure with channels for the mobility of M2 cations (Li, Na). The feasibility of commercial application of such materials is under question due to low conductivity and slow Li intercalation. The preparation of new pyroxenes with GeO4 instead of SiO4 will exploit the benefit of the stable 3D structure but in the same time will facilitate the movement of the small M2 ions due to higher elasticity of bonds in GeO4 compared to SiO4 (with retarded rate of M2 diffusion). The new pyroxenes will be prepared using the high-energy ball milling, sustainable and fast synthesis route of solid materials, which allows reducing the sintering time and temperature. Moreover, it enables the preparation of counterparts in far-from equilibrium state (nanoglassy). This approach enables to increase the capacity by particles downsizing and increase the conductivity due to the structural disorder. By solid-state impedance spectroscopy I can establish the potential of LiTiGe2O6 and NaTiGe2O6 pyroxenes (crystalline and far-from equilibrium form) as electrode materials. The use of of Potenstiostat will help to establish the electrode properties of these materials for their practical application in LIB and SIB. |
Duration: | 1.7.2021 – 30.11.2021 |
Mechanochemická syntéza vybraných binárnych sulfidov s rôznymi tvarmi pre čistenie odpadových vôd | |
Mechanochemical synthesis of binary nanosulfides with various shapes for remediation of wastewater | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | RNDr. Baláž Matej, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Within the framework of this project, various binary sulfides (NiS, CdS, PbS and ZnS) with potential application is wastewater remediation (either by adsorption of photocatalytic action) will be prepared. The synthesis will be realized by ball milling of corresponding metal acetate and sodium sulfide and also the effect of in situ sulfur formation on the shape of the produced nanoparticles will be investigated. In the end, the adsorption/photocatalytic activity of the products will be evaluated. |
Duration: | 1.6.2021 – 31.10.2021 |
Tvorba a charakterizácia multifunkčných polymérových nanokompozitných náterov na povrchu textilných materiálov pre proces filtrácie vody | |
Creation and characterization of multifunctional polymer nanocomposite coatings on the surface of textile materials for the water filtration process | |
Program: | International Visegrad Fund (IVF) |
Project leader: | Melnyk Inna, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is aimed at solving the problem of maintenance global market with innovative products, such as textile materials for water filtration. To achieve this goal the objects of research were acrylic and polyurethane aqueous dispersion, crosslinking agent and inorganic nanoparticles.The scientific approach of choosing composition components, based on their physical and chemical properties will boost the volume of output and improve the quality and competitiveness of such products. |
Duration: | 1.3.2021 – 31.7.2021 |
Environmentálne prijateľná syntéza nanokompozitov na báze vaječného odpadu a strieborných nanočastíc s biologickou aktivitou za využitia guľového mletia | |
Environmentally friendly synthesis of nanocomposites based on eggshell waste and silver nanoparticles with biological activity using ball milling | |
Program: | International Visegrad Fund (IVF) |
Project leader: | RNDr. Baláž Matej, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The nanocomposite based on waste eggshell and silver nanoparticles with biological activity will be prepared using a ball milling method. This methodology facilitates the one already performed at the host institution. Thus, waste material, upon reinforcement with silver nanoparticles known for their strong antibacterial activity, can be turned into functional material with biological activity. The host institution has great tools for both synthesis and characterization of the nanocomposite. |
Duration: | 1.9.2020 – 30.6.2021 |
Dynamika lítium-iónov v komplexných oxidoch pripravených mechanochemickou cestou | |
Li-ion dynamics in complex oxides prepared by mechanochemical route | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Mgr. Skurikhina Olha |
Annotation: | Pyroxenes with chemical formula M2M1T2O6 have shown the potential as cheaper and ecologically friendly alternatives for cathode materials. Silicate pyroxenes (LiFeSi2O6 and LiVSi2O6) were investigated for that purpose but did not show sufficient rate of Li+ insertion during charging-discharging process. One of the reasons is the rigidity of chemical bonds in [SiO4] tetrahedra that hampers the process. In the framework of this project, ion mobility of selected pyroxenes (LiFeSi2O6 and LiFeGe2O6) prepared by non-conventional mechanochemical process will be studied for the first time by impedance spectroscopy. Mechanochemical approach will be used for the induction of (nano)glassy state in these materials. The effect of milling on crystallinity thus the Li-ion mobility will be studied by EIS and XRD. |
Duration: | 10.9.2020 – 10.2.2021 |
Kompozitné materiály na báze TiO2 a aktívneho uhlia na elimináciu a fotodegradáciu adsorbovateľných organických halogénov. | |
Composite materials based on TiO2 and activated carbon for elimination and photodegradation of adsorbable organic halogens. | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Mgr. Bodnár Yankovych Halyna, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.3.2020 – 31.5.2020 |
CRM-EXTREME – Riešenie problému kritických surovín pre materiály v kritických podmienkach | |
Solutions for Critical Raw Materials Under Extreme Conditions | |
Program: | COST |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Project is aimed at substitution of critical raw materials used in preparation of advanced alloys and composites under extreme conditions of temperature,loading, wear and shear in energy,,car and traffic sectors |
Project web page: | Actions/ca/CA15102? |
Duration: | 10.3.2016 – 9.3.2020 |
Vývoj magnetických kompozitov s kontrolovaným hydrofóbnym a hydrofilným povrchom | |
Development of Magnetic Composites with Adjustable Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surface | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | Ing. Václavíková Miroslava, PhD. |
Annotation: | The joint Ukrainian-Slovak project is supposed to result in the detailed study of the effect of the conditions of magnetite functionalization on hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of the coating layers. The surface of the obtained materials will be characterized by the presence of different types of dominant groups, specific functional groups selective to particular metal or group of elements; electron withdrawing or electron accepting groups, both from hydrophobic hydrocarbon radicals attached to the silicon atom and from organic groups directly incorporated in the silica framework (it is an organic bridge for bridged silsesquioxanes); residual silanol groups, and oxygen atoms of the siloxane bond. Such nature of sorbents surface will enable different types of interactions with different sorbates. |
Duration: | 6.4.2017 – 31.12.2019 |
BISILMAG – Bi-funkčné sferické častice na báze kremíka a magnetitu pre čistenie vôd | |
Bifunctional Silica and Magnetite Spherical Particles with Tailored Porosity and Surface Chemistry for Complex Water Treatment | |
Program: | 7RP |
Project leader: | Ing. Václavíková Miroslava, PhD. |
Annotation: | Project aims to develop bi(or multi)functional silica and magnetically removable adsorbents for water purification and remediation securing removal of chemical pollutants both organic and inorganic nature. SASPRO will unite the efforts of the scientists and their expertise in two adjacent fields – synthesis and functionalization of mesoporous silica and silica-based adsorbents from the Marie Curie Fellow Dr Melnyk and advanced experience in physicochemical characterization of surface binding with valuable experience of their implementation in water purification from the Institute of Geotechnics SAS. Our specific aims: 1) Creation of silica microsheres with well defined composition for selective uptake of metal cations. 2) Сombination the properties of magnetite (easy removal from the reaction medium, recovery) with the assets of functionalized polysiloxane (specific groups, large specific surface area) and contribute to the selective removal of contaminating cations and organic molecules simultaneously. 3) Synthesis of nanocomposite multi-functional microparticles, testing them on wastewater samples modeling complex water systems. The goals will be achieved through coordinated research uniting the efforts of specialists in materials synthesis, characterization and application. In addition these materials are promising for applications in chromatography, drug delivery, creation of chemo- and biosensors, etc. |
Duration: | 1.3.2016 – 31.12.2018 |
AdOX – Vzťahy medzi štruktúrou a funkčnými vlastnosťami vo vyspelých nanooxidoch určených pre uskladňovanie energie | |
Structure-Function Relationship of Advanced Nanooxides for Energy Storage Devices | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Project leader: | prof. RNDr. Šepelák Vladimír, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The main objective of the proposed project is focused on the development of novel and sophisticated chemical routes towards energy harvesting materials within multidisciplinary oriented approach in the field of solid state chemistry. Basic concept includes (i) to obtain well-defined complex oxide materials by starting from welldesigned precursors, (ii) to utilize phenomena at the solid interfaces, particularly those between inorganic – organic solids, (iii) to utilize unique features of non-conventional processes, i.e. mechanical activation and microwave technology, and (iv) to characterize the products under well-defined and reproducible conditions, without restriction to the properties of the end use, e.g. the capacity fade of the complete Li-ion and Na-ion batteries. The target materials include (i) Li- and Na- containing nanocrystalline complex oxides mostly with structure of spinels, garnets, pyroxenes, olivines and orthosilicates and (ii) partially reduced and partially anion exchanged oxide nanoparticles (SiO2, SnO2 and TiO2).Non-conventionally synthesized oxides are expected to possess modified/enhanced structural and electrochemical properties. In the context of the proposed project, special effort will be focused on the systematic study of the structure-related functional properties directly connected towards energy storage applications.The final goal of the project is the optimization and prediction of the real structure of the products possessing e.g. the highest possible Li+ (Na+) ion conductivity by systematically introduced additives and the application of preparative processes of highest precision. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.10.2015 – 30.9.2018 |
NANOZEO – Remediácia vôd pomocou nanočasticami aktivovaných syntetických zeolitov na báze popolčekov | |
Nanoparticle Activated Synthetic Zeolite from Coal Fly Ash for Water Remediation | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Project leader: | Ing. Václavíková Miroslava, PhD. |
Annotation: | Synthetic and natural zeolites have been successfully applied as adsorptive materials foreffective removal of heavy metals, phosphates, ammonium and organic pollutants fromcontaminated waters. Zeolite synthesis is usually performed by the hydrothermal crystallizationof silica gel, alkaline bases and aluminum salts at elevated temperatures and strong alkalinemedia. A novel promising approach for production of low-cost sorbents is the conversion ofmineral waste from the incineration of solid organic fuels in thermal power plants in microporousmaterials with high adsorption or ion-exchange capacity, which can replace successfully thenature zeolites in the filters of water purification systems. |
Duration: | 4.5.2016 – 31.12.2017 |
CORFO – Vývoj in-situ biolúhovacej metódy pre čistenie kremenných pieskov a aplikácia testovania prototypu poloprevádzky | |
Development of In-situ Bioleaching Method to Clean Quartz Sands and Application through Testing Prototype Pilot Plant | |
Program: | Iné |
Project leader: | Ing. Štyriaková Iveta, PhD. |
Annotation: | Cristalerías Chile SA is a company engaged in the production of glass containers and uses raw silica sand, which does not fulfill the purity necessary for creating quality glass. The research and development of new technologies within the biotransformation of silicate minerals heterotrophic bacteria is one of the scientific activities Ugt SAS which may serve to develop bioleaching technology for the purification of quartz sand in Chile. |
Duration: | 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2017 |
Vývoj inovačných procesov pre zhodnotenie použitých batérií | |
Development of innovative processes for the valorization of spent batteries | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project presets of the previous project continuation over the years 2013 – 2015. The principal goal of the project proposal (the continuation), is the proposal of innovative integrated hydro/biohydrometallurgical process, economic and environmentally, to enhance the spent alkaline and zinc–carbon batteries, with development – on pilot scale – of the process of recovery of metal values and the production of components of commercial interest. |
Duration: | 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2017 |
FOCAT – Fotokatalytické čistenie kontaminovaných vôd a vzduchu použitím nanomateriálov | |
Photocatalytic purification of contamined water and air using nanostructured materials | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is directed towards studying the processes of photocatalytic purification of polluted water and air, using nanostructured materials mostly on the basis of oxides. It will be focused on comparison the efficiency of photocatalysts – semiconductors based on oxides, obtained by mechanochemical synthesis with other commercial photocatalysts. The presently known commercial TiO2 photocatalysts, based on anatase/rutile synergism, will be improved by finding an appropriate substitute of the either of anatase or rutile component with other narrow-band semiconductors. Obtaining and applying the visible-light-active photocatalysts to water and air treatment and testing them in suspension reactors (water purification) and in flat-plate gas-phase continuous flow photocatalytic reactor (air purification) will be the aim of our study. The kinetics of the photocatalytic reactions will be evaluated on the basis of Langmuir-Hinshelwood model both under continuous flow conditions (plug-flow reactor) and under flow-circulation conditions using a gas circulation pump (ideal mixing reactor) to enter the kinetic region. The effect of the thickness of the photocatalytic coating with respect to operation in the diffusion or in the kinetic region will be estimated. Optimal experimental conditions for maximal conversion degree will be selected in view of achieving steady state operation and optimal reactor configuration removing the dead zones. |
Duration: | 1.7.2016 – 29.12.2017 |
INHEMES – Priemyselná príprava sulfidov kovov mechanochemickou aktiváciou vo vibračných mlynoch | |
Industrial Synthesis of Metal Sulphides via Mechanochemical Activation in Vibration Mills | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The project solves a problem of copper(II) sulphide mechanochemical synthesis. The time schedule is planned in such way, that IGT SAS will investigate the synthesis in laboratory grinding mills and TU Clausthal will realize the synthesis in full industrial scale mills. |
Duration: | 1.11.2015 – 31.10.2017 |
WaSClean – Čistenie vôd a pôd od zmiešaných kontaminantov | |
Water and Soil Clean-up from Mixed Contaminants | |
Program: | 7RP |
Project leader: | Ing. Václavíková Miroslava, PhD. |
Annotation: | This project aims to develop novel materials and technologies for remediation of contaminated soils and groudwaters from xenobiotics ( contaminants, via a programme of knowledge exchange and scientific work actions between 8 partner organisations (6 from threeEU countries and 2 from an ICPC country). Chemical and biological approaches will be combined to develop novel technologies for removalof toxic metals/metalloids and recalcitrant organic contaminants from contaminated soil and groundwaters. A range of methods, based on ironchemistry and biogeochemistry, bioremediation and electrochemical oxidation will be employed at laboratory and pilot/field scale, to produceintegrated clean-up solutions for problem contaminated sites and contaminants. The project brings together a multidisciplinary consortium ofspecialists from different areas of contaminated land management, environmental (geo)chemistry, nanotechnology, (geo)microbiology andphysical, analytical, synthetic, polymer and surface chemistry, working with a common aim of developing new and efficient methods of contaminant removal from soils, and groundwaters. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.10.2013 – 30.9.2017 |
NANOAS – Nanoštruktúrne mechanochemicky modifikované zlúčeniny arzénu s protirakovinovým účinkom: od abinitio kvantovo-mechanickým modelom k experimentálnym overeniam | |
Mechanochemically-Nanostructurized Arsenicals with Guided Anticancer Functionality: from Ab-initio Quantum Chemical Modeling to Experimental Verification | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The main aim of the project is structural modelling, mechanochemical preparation,characterization and biological testing of As-S binary compounds. Modelling of As-S clusters bythe methods developed for calculation of topological pecularities in the formed molecular netswill be used. The selected structures modified by the mechanochemical route will be studied bythe method of positron anihilation spectroscopy (PALS) in order to determine the free volume.Nanostructure As-S systems will be tested in-vitro for their activity on selected human cancerlines. |
Duration: | 1.9.2015 – 31.12.2016 |
SECWATER – Výskum bezpečných technológií na detekciu a odstraňovanie kontaminantov z vôd | |
Technical Advances to Detect and Remove Contaminants from Water for Safety and Security | |
Program: | NATO |
Project leader: | Ing. Václavíková Miroslava, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project seeks to use advanced (nano) technology to detect and mitigate inadvertent and intentional, chemical-biological-radiological-nuclear (CBRN) contaminantion in water suplies, develop a GPS/GIS based Contamination Identification and Level Monitoring Electronic Display Systems (CILM-EDS) to spatially monitor contaminants and water levels, in event of natural catastrophe. |
Duration: | 1.11.2012 – 15.4.2016 |
odpady, pyrolýza – Využitie kvapalných produktov po pyrolýze odpadových materiálov ako zberačov v procese flotácie uhlia | |
Utilization of Liquid Pyrolysis Products of Waste Materials as Collectors in the Coal Flotation | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | RNDr. Dolinská Silvia, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on the application of pyrolysis oils after the process of pyrolysis of selected types of waste and biomass as floating collectorss in the flotation process of coal. Liquid pyrolysis products obtained will be identified by physico-chemical methods. Pyrolysis oils will be compared at the same time used by collectors, which are used at the coal flotation. The intention of the project is to obtain, by means of which it will be possible to obtain a good quality coal concentrate with ash content below 10%. The economic benefit will be the use of biomassand wastes as renewable energetic materials. |
Duration: | 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2015 |
VIPBAT – Vývoj inovačných procesov pre zhodnotenie použitých batérií | |
Development of innovative processes for the valorization of spent batteries | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The principal aim of the submitted project is the development of an innovative process for the valorisation of secondary raw materials as are exhausted electrochemical cells, particularly spent batteries containing Mn, for the recovery of valuable metals and for the production of valuable components such as Zn-Mn ferrites, manganese salts and solutions. The partial goals of the project are following: Pre-treatments of the secondary raw materials; Leaching and bioleaching of the pre-treated powder materials; Purification of the leach liquors and production of Zn-Mn ferrites; Residual (waste) water treatment by conventional and innovative methods; Technological and economical integrated analysis, the proposal of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). |
Duration: | 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015 |
Mechanochemická technológia prípravy nanokryštalickej látky | |
Mechanochemical Technology of Nanocrystalline Substance Preparation | |
Program: | Iné |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The preparation tests of nanocrystalline substance for special purposes were carried out via mechanochemical route. The results of testing are confidential according to requirement of contractor. |
Duration: | 1.10.2014 – 8.2.2015 |
Mechanochemicky syntetizované nanomateriály, ich charakterizácia, fotokatalytické a antikarcinogénne vlastnosti | |
Mechanochemically synthesized nanomaterials, their characterization, photocatalytic and anticancer properties | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | Nanocrystalline oxides prepared by mechanochemical approaches are characterized metastable and non-ideal crystallographical structure. Due to this fact their physico-chemical properties are often different in comparison to bulk ones. Within the project were mechanochemically prepared and studied/tested various oxides. |
Duration: | 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2014 |
microwave energy – Mikrovlnná extrakcia anorganických a organických látok z biomasy | |
Microwave Assisted Extraction of Inorganic and Organic Materials from Biomass | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | RNDr. Dolinská Silvia, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on investigation of microwave energy application in biomass treatment. Samples will be prepared by laboratory techniques (crushing, grinding, sieving). The influence of different solvents suitable for extraction of inorganic and organic compound from lignocelluloses biomass will be studied. Study of microwave extraction parameters influenced on obtained materials will be carried out. Obtained liquid and solid products will be separated and identified by physico-chemical methods. Solid products will be modified for synthesis of materials applicable as a sorbents. |
Duration: | 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2014 |
Univerzita XXI. storočia – rozvojový program Technickej univerzity v Krakove – najvyššia kvalita výučby pre budúcich poľských inžinierov (Politechnika XXI wieku – program rozwojowy Politechniki Krakowskiej – najwyžszej jakošci dydaktyka…) | |
Cracow University of Technology of the XXI century – Development Program – The Highest Quality Teaching for the Future Polish Engineers | |
Program: | Iné |
Project leader: | Ing. Šestinová Oľga, PhD. |
Annotation: | Project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund under Action 2 Development of Didactic Potential of Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the Cracow University of TechnologyThe project was focused on the support of two new special subjects introduction into science instruction, namely Ecotoxicology and Mineral Biotechnologies. In the frame of the project two PhD. students from the Cracow University of Technology got through a fellowship to acquire the experimental techniques in given field of study. As to Ecotoxicology (10/2012–12/2012) PhD. student investigated physico-chemical, mineralogical properties of sediments from eastern Slovakia polluted by former mining works. The student assessed also their load on the environment through phytotoxicity tests.As to Mineral Biotechnologies (09/2014 – 11/2014) PhD. student explored the biodegradation of organic solvents used in automotive industry by means of sulphate reducing bacteria. The student was trained for techniques of isolation, cultivation and application of sulphate reducing bacteria in biodegradation process. The student also obtained new experiences in the determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and the chemical demand of sulfane and sulphate. Responsible person in the organisation:Ing. Oľga Šestinová, PhD. (10/2012 – 12/2012)Ing. Alena Luptáková, PhD. (09/2014 – 11/2014) |
Duration: | 1.10.2012 – 30.11.2014 |
JMELT – Hydrometalurgická technológia získavania antimónu z antimonitových koncentrátov | |
Hydrometallurgical Technology of Antimony Recovery from Antimonite Concentrates | |
Program: | Iné |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Tests of antimony leaching from delivered antimonite (Sb2S3) concentrates were performed with the aim to attain a maximal recovery of antimony and in such way to secure the antimony supply for subscriber. The result data are confidential according to contract terms. |
Duration: | 13.9.2013 – 28.2.2014 |
Liečba arzénom v onkológii: mechanizmus účinku a nové formy dodania | |
Arsenic in Cancer Treatment: Mechanisms of Action and New Forms of Delivery | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Arsenic compounds have long been used in traditional Chinese medicines and realgar (AS4S4) alone is included in more than twenty oral remedies. Absence of induced myelosuppressions at clinically relevant doses and multiple molecular pathways targeted by arsenic supports its potential role as an adjuvant with other chemotherapy. Increased bioavailability of nanosized realgar as well as its loading into the cells can improve targeted treatment of tumor cells. The mechanism of action in multiple myeloma and melanoma cells, type of death induced by realgar alone or in combinations with conventional and new drugs will be evaluated. In-vitro and in-vivo xenograft animal model will be used for experiments. The untreated tumor and stromal cells will be compared for the determination of treatment efficacy of modified realgar in the context microenvironment cellular crosstalk. The production of non-toxic delivery system capable of transferring the drug to the target cells without modification of the drugs function that will lead to improved therapy and significant reduction of toxic side effects is expected. |
Duration: | 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2013 |
Vyspelé materiály pre odstraňovanie toxických polutantov z vôd | |
Advanced Materials for the Removal of Toxic Pollutants from Water | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | Ing. Václavíková Miroslava, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2013 |
Biolúhovanie – Uvoľňovanie uzavretých častíc striebra zo silikátového matrixu biolúhovaním | |
Liberalization of locked Ag particles from silicate matrix by bioleaching | |
Program: | Iné |
Project leader: | Ing. Štyriaková Iveta, PhD. |
Annotation: | The laboratory tests were done as part of an initiative to increase recoveries of silver from the ore material heaps. Laboratory tests were based on bacterial leaching of raw material causing dissolution of mineral matrix in which the silver minerals are locked. Mercury inhibition was also investigated as part of the laboratory tests. Results have been concealed according to the requirement of the USA company. |
Duration: | 1.5.2012 – 30.5.2013 |
Mechanochemická syntéza, aktivácia a charakterizácia anorganických systémov: miešané oxidy, sulfidy, selenidy a karbonáty | |
Mechanochemical Synthesis, Activation and Characterization of Inorganic Chemical Systems: Mixed Oxides, Sulfides, Selenides and Carbonates | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The project is directed to research on processes of mechanochemical synthesis and mechanical activation of new materials on the basis of selenides (PbSe, ZnSe, CdSe), sulfides (Cu3AsS4), mixed oxides of copper, cerium and titan and carbonates (CaCO3) with potential application as sensors, semiconductors and catalysts. Synthesized nanosized materials will be characterized by modern methods, namely XRD, XPS, FTIR, FE-SEM, HRTEM, UV-vis DRS, Mossbauer spectroscopy and thermal analysis. Depending on the results received, the reaction ability will be studied in model catalytic reaction(s) and sorption processes. An important motivation to propose this project is to use the possibilities of available methods to characterize the mechanochemically prepared nanosized materials. |
Duration: | 1.1.2012 – 31.1.2013 |
REMEWA – Vývoj vhodných fyzikálno-chemických a biologicko-chemických metód pre odstraňovanie kovov a metaloidov z vôd a pôd | |
Development of suitable physicochemical and biological-chemical processes for the remove of metals and metalloids from the waters and soils | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The principal goal of the submitted project proposal (the continuation over the years 2010 – 2012), is to improve and utilise the physical-chemical processes (electrochemical) and biological-chemical processes (based on the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and other suitable microorganisms), which were developed in the framework of previous project, to prevent waters and soils pollution by heavy metals and metalloids in the contaminated sites. |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012 |
Mechanochemická syntéza a vlastnosti nanofázových materiálov | |
Mechanochemical Synthesis and Properties of Nanosized Materials | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Mechanochemical synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials (sulphides, selenides, gallium-based spinels and titanates). |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2011 |
MICRENA – Mikroštruktúra a fyzikálne vlastnosti multifunkčných nanomateriálov pripravených mechanochemickou syntézou | |
Microstructural related physical properties of multifunctional nanocrystalline materials synthesized by mechanochemical approach | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 1.3.2010 – 31.12.2011 |
MKMBP – Modifikované kompozitné materiály na báze čiernouhoľných popolčekov | |
Modified composite materials on the fly ash basis | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Doc. Ing. Kušnierová Mária, PhD. |
Annotation: | Proposed project will be focused on new composite materials modeling and development. This will be based on qualitative different fly ash samples that allow their full-value usage in the different industrial ranges including ecological remediation technologies. |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2011 |
Vplyv klasickej a mikrovlnnej vitrifikácie na priebeh kryštalizácie v sklokeramike | |
The effect of Convetional and Microwave Vitrification Process on Glass -Ceramics Crystallization Behaviour | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | Ing. Kováčová Milota, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2011 |
VKVŽM – Vývoj kompozitných, vysoko žiaruvzdorných materiálov na báze čiernouhoľného popolčeka | |
Development of new composite heat-proof materials based on fly ash | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Ing. Praščáková Mária, PhD. |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2011 |
bacteria – Identifikácia baktérií z pôdy a sedimentov | |
Identification of soil and sediment bacteria | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | MVDr. Štyriak Igor, PhD. |
Annotation: | Isolation of bacterial DNA and identification of bacterial kinds in soil and sediment contaminated samples |
Duration: | 5.10.2011 – 14.10.2011 |
Multifunkčné materiály pripravené mechanochemickými reakciami | |
Multifunctional materials prepared by mechanochemical reactions | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | Mgr. Achimovičová Marcela, PhD. |
Annotation: | Mechanochemical synthesis of new composite catalyts on the basis of polyoxometalates Ni, Fe, and Co, CeO2, CeO2-Al2O3 and the metal selenides for the processes of hydrodesulphurisation, CO oxidation and decomposition of alcohols; mechanochemical modification of CO2 adsorbents on the basis of silicates as well. |
Duration: | 2.1.2009 – 31.12.2010 |
Inovačné postupy prípravy biosorbentov | |
Innovative techniques of biosorbents preparation | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2009 |
Izolácia a identifikácia biologicky aktívnych organických látok z mechanicky aktivovaného slovenského hnedého uhlia | |
Isolation and identification of biologically activ organic compounds from mechanically activated Slovak brown coal | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | RNDr. Zubrik Anton, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.2.2008 – 31.12.2009 |
SYNAPO – Syntéza nanokryštalických polovodičov mechanochemickou metódou | |
Synthesis of Nanocrystaline Semiconductors by Mechanochemical Method | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The project will be aimed at the synthesis and characterization of ZnxMn1-xS diluted magnetic semiconductors. The advanced analytical techniques such as XRD, AFM, TEM, HRTEM, SEM, magnetometry, UV-VIS, IR, XPS will be applied to reveal a nanophase character and special properties of as – synthesized solids. It is expected to verify the mechanochemical synthesis in an industrial mill in order to valuate the technological feasibility of the process. |
Duration: | 1.2.2008 – 31.12.2009 |
Štúdium procesov biologickej transformácie síranov | |
Study of the processes of sulphates biological transformation | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.4.2008 – 31.12.2009 |
Vývoj vhodných fyzikálno-chemických a biologicko-chemických metód pre odstraňovanie kovov a metaloidov z vôd a pôd | |
Development of suitable physicochemical and biological-chemical processes for the remove of metals and metalloids from the waters and soils | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009 |
Mechanochemická syntéza oxidov a sulfiov pre ochranu životného prostredia | |
Mechanochemical synthesis of oxides and sulfides for environmental protection | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | RNDr. Dutková Erika, PhD. |
Annotation: | Mechanochemical synthesis of mixed oxides ZrO2-Al2O3 and TiO2-Al2O3 and physicochemical characterization of mechanochemically synthesized hydrodesulfurization catalysts by various techniques. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2008 |
Štúdium generovania a reakcií voľných radikálov a paramagnetických centier metodou EPR spektroskopie | |
Study of Generation and Reactions of Free Radicals and Paramagnetic Centers by Method of ESR Spectroscopy | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2008 |
ELIMKOV – Eliminácia ťažkých kovov z priemyselných odpadových vôd pomocou biosorbentov | |
Heavy metals elimination from industrial waste waters by biosorbents | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2007 |
Konštrukčné keramické materiály získané klasickou a mikrovlnou vitrifikáciou odpadov s obsahom železa | |
Construction Ceramic Materials from Conventional and Microwave Vitrification of Iron-Containing Wastes | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | RNDr. Lovás Michal, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2007 |
Mechanochemická syntéza a vlastnosti nanokryštalických materiálov | |
Mechanochemical Synthesis and Properties of Nanocrystalline Material | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2007 |
Štúdium vzťahov mineralizácie, acidity a výskytu autochtónnych mikrobiálnych kultúr v kyslých banských vodách | |
Study of relations of mineralization, acidity and autochtonous microorganisms occurence in acid mine drainage | |
Program: | Medziústavná dohoda |
Project leader: | Doc. Ing. Kušnierová Mária, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2004 – 31.12.2007 |
Štúdium vzťahov mineralizácie, acidity a výskytu autochtónnych mikrobiálnych kultúr v kyslých banských vodách | |
Study of relations of mineralization, acidity and autochthonous microorganisms occurence in acid mine drainage | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Project leader: | Doc. Ing. Kušnierová Mária, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2004 – 31.12.2007 |
Zmeny uhoľnej hmoty v priebehu bakteriálneho lúhovania | |
The changes of coal matter in the course of bacterial leaching | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Project leader: | Doc. Ing. Kušnierová Mária, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2005 – 31.12.2007 |
Štúdium mechanizmov porušovania v procesoch kontaktnej únavy duplexne spracovaných nizkolegovaných ocelí | |
Study of contant fatigue mechanisms of duplex treated low steels | |
Program: | COST |
Project leader: | prof. RNDr. Briančin Jaroslav, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2003 – 30.11.2007 |
Možnosti recyklácie banských odpadov a minimalizácia ich vplyvu na životné prostredie | |
The possibilities of (re)use of mine wastes and minimisation of their influence on the environment | |
Program: | Medziakademická dohoda (MAD) |
Project leader: | Doc. Ing. Kušnierová Mária, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2004 – 31.12.2006 |
Odstraňovanie arzénu z vodných roztokov | |
Arsenic decontamination from water resources | |
Program: | NATO |
Project leader: | Ing. Jakabský Štefan, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.7.2004 – 31.7.2006 |
Mechanochemická príprava nanofázových liečív pre aplikáciu pri liečbe rakoviny | |
Mechanical Preparation of Nanosized Pharmacentical Drugs for Application in Cancer Therapy | |
Program: | Multilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | no description |
Duration: | 1.1.2005 – 31.1.2006 |
Zachytávanie oxidu uhličitého na mechanicky aktivovaných mineráloch | |
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration by Mechanically Activated Minerals | |
Program: | Bilaterálne – iné |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2005 – 31.1.2006 |
STUDTOX – Štúdium toxického vplyvu ťažkých kovov na rast síran-redukujúcich baktérií a drevokazných hub v procese bioakumulácie kovov z vôd | |
– | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2004 – 31.12.2005 |
BIOBAKHUB – Bioakumulácia ťažkých kovov z vôd baktériami a drevokaznými hubami | |
– | |
Program: | Medzivládna dohoda |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2002 – 31.12.2003 |
CAMBIOREG – Alternatívne metódy hodnotenia biokompatibility pórovitých materiálov vyvíjaných pre regeneráciu kostného tkaniva | |
Alternative methods of biocompatibility assessment of porous materials developed for the bone tissue regeneration | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | RNDr. Baláž Matej, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The presented project solves the issue of in vitro testing of an innovative porous materials and their subsequent invivo biocompatibility testing without or with seeded cells in relation to bone tissue regeneration. The scientific levelof the project is increased by so far little-studied connection between the material seeded with endothelial cells andpreviously formed capillaries with the surrounding vessels of the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of the birdembryo. The project intensively uses available alternative in vitro and in vivo models with respect to thepreservation of the 3Rs principles, thereby following the current trend in the field of science and research. Thanksto this trend, it will significantly contribute to reducing the number of experimental animals in the biocompatibilityevaluation process. At the same time, the project supports a multidisciplinary approach, as it links in vitro and invivo monitoring of the biocompatibility of prepared materials and biomaterial engineering, which will enable a betterassessment of the use of biomaterials in medical applications. An important point of the project is the effort tocreate a vascularized and therefore viable bone tissue construct important not only for the field of implantology butalso for the creation of tissue models for developmental, physiological, pathological -physiological and otherbiomedical studies. The creation of a vascularized tissue substitute, including a complex of porous material withcells and connecting the capillary bed of the construct to the vascular system of the recipient would significantly push the boundaries of tissue engineering in a positive direction. The project should therefore provide relevantanswers to questions regarding the ability of biomaterials to stimulate the formation of new blood vessels orwhether the newly created construct with cells is suitable for the formation of a bone tissue model in vitro or ex ovo. |
Duration: | 1.7.2024 – 30.6.2028 |
IQ:ROCK – Identifikácia a kvantifikácia kľúčových parametrov jadrového vŕtania hornín novými diagnostickými metódami | |
Identification and quantification of key parameters of core drilling of rocks by new diagnostic methods | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Ivaničová Lucia, PhD. |
Annotation: | Core drilling of rocks is an energy-intensive operation widely used in exploratory drilling. During drilling, a drill bit wear occurs, a complex phenomenon dependent on a number of factors: the shape, material and condition of the drill bit, drilled rock properties and the regime parameters of the drilling process. Investigating the process of core rock drilling opens perspectives for the use of innovative or rarely used approaches of identification of the key parameters of the process; such as measuring and evaluation of the accompanying vibro-acoustic signal, and assessment of rock debris as a drill product. In project implementation, an extensive experimental research of small-diameter core drilling will be performed using an experimental laboratory drilling rig with the surface-set and impregnated diamond core drill bits, and carbide core bits. Drilling of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks is planned in order to cover a wide range or rock properties. Concrete will be used as well as an man-made material simulating the rock. As it is not possible to assess the interaction between the drill bit and the rock directly during drilling (including bit wear), indirect methods will be used to assess the process, such as innovative methods of advanced vibration diagnostics, image recognition methods for identifying the character of drill debris, drill core and drill bit wear. The identification and quantification of the key parameters of core drilling with new diagnostic methods creates a prerequisite for a proper characterization of the drilling process, which, together with the definition of rock drillability, will enable its reliable and optimal control in terms of performance and energy consumption, which can significantly reduce the economic costs during exploratory drilling, mineral exploitation and in the underground construction. |
Duration: | 1.7.2024 – 30.6.2028 |
ZNO – Zhodnotenie nebezpečného odpadu s obsahom zinku z procesu galvanizácie | |
Valorization of hazardous waste containing zinc from the galvanizing process | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Znamenáčková Ingrid, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.7.2024 – 30.6.2028 |
Čistenie banských a priemyselných vôd pomocou funkcionalizovaných adsorbentov a katalyzátorov na báze oxidov | |
Purification of mining and industrial waters using functionalized adsorbents and catalysts based on oxides | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Melnyk Inna, PhD. |
Annotation: | Water purification is an essential area of research in the 21st century, in line with the principles of the 2030Agenda for sustainable development. This project aims to contribute to these efforts by developing progressivenanomaterials based on Si, Fe, and Zn oxides for removing organic pollutants from water. To achieve this, rawminerals such as kaolinite, talc, and pyrophyllite, which are widely available in the SR, will be used as sources ofSiO2. In addition, the research will focus on synthesizing functional magnetic adsorbents and catalysts based onFe oxides and photocatalysts based on ZnO. By modifying these materials with various functional groups andmetal ions, their surface properties can be improved, and their selectivity can be enhanced to effectively adsorborganic pollutants. These materials will be applied to eliminate and decompose various organic pollutants,including polyaromatic hydrocarbons and halides from mine waters, azo dyes from the textile industry, drugresidues from wastewater. |
Duration: | 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2027 |
Hodnotenie miery antropogénnej záťaže vybraných oblastí východného Slovenska s využitím studenokrvných živočíchov a ich endohelmintov | |
Assessment of anthropogenic load of selected areas of eastern Slovakia using cold-blooded animals and their endo helminths | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Hančuľák Jozef, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2027 |
Charakteristika suspendovaných a prachových častíc atmosférickej depozície vo vzťahu k ich pôvodu, zdrojom a kontaminácii vybraných zložiek životného prostredia. | |
Characteristics of suspended and dust particles of atmospheric deposition in relation to their origin, sources and the contamination of selected components of the environment. | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Hančuľák Jozef, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on the dust particles study in the atmosphere, that pose serious health and environmentalrisks. Sampling of suspended (PM) and dust particles of atmospheric deposition as well as soil samples will becarried out in urban and suburban environments with a specific metallurgical industry in the Košice area. The aimof the project is to obtain deficient knowledge of the origin of suspended and particulate matter in relation toanthropogenic and natural sources of their emissions and their impact and interactions with the soil in themonitored area and resulting from it risks based on specific particle characteristics (heavy metal content,chemical and phase compositions, large distribution, shape characteristics) and soil samples. |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2026 |
Možnosti zhodnotenia odpadov z ťažby a úpravy rudných surovín | |
Possibilities of wastes valorisation from mining and processing of ore raw materials | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project idea is in accordance with the Environmental Policy Strategy of the Slovak Republic until 2030. The basis of the project are research of combinations of physical, chemical and biological methods for recovery of waste from mining and processing of ore raw materials from selected environmental loads containing sulphide minerals in Slovakia. The expected benefits of the project are the information completion as well as the achieving of original knowledge in the areas of the acquire of base and critical metals/metalloids, treatment mine waters, leaching of mine and mineral processing wastes dumping, the use of residual mineral fractions for the preparation of building materials and environmental protection. |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2026 |
Pokročilý spôsob prípravy vybraných chalkogenidov kovov vysoko-energetickým mletím ako potenciálnych materiálov pre konverziu energie. | |
Advanced method of preparation of selected metal chalcogenides by high-energy milling as potential materials for energy conversion. | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Achimovičová Marcela, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project will focus on an advantageous synthesis of transition metal chalcogenides, selenides, and selenospinels by high-energy milling and the characterization of their physico-chemical properties. In planetary ball mills, the synthesis of binary and ternary selenides, synthetic analogues of minerals naumannite (Ag2Se), berzelianite (Cu2-xSe), and selenospinels of the Me3Se4 type, where Me=Fe,Ni,Co, and CuCr2Se4 will take place, or combined mechano/thermal approach will be used, resp. The milling technique will also be used to prepare doped selenides with elemental Ag (Cu2-xAgxSe; x=0.1-2) and Zn, Mn, I…(Cu1-xTxCr2Se4-xIx; x=0.1-1) in order to improve their thermoelectric efficiency. The kinetics of syntheses, phase composition, and morphology of undoped and doped chalcogenides will be monitored. Furthermore, the powder densification conditions will be determined, the thermoelectrical, optical, and magnetic properties will be measured. The properties of synthetic analogues will be compared with minerals. |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2026 |
Proces rozpojovania hornín s využitím vibračného signálu | |
Rock drilling process using the vibration signal | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Bali Hudáková Mária, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on differentiation of various areas of rock drilling in laboratory conditions using theexperimental core-drilling rig simulating the real drilling conditions. Investigation of differentiation of such areasusing the vibration signal along with determination of energy consumption shall contribute to quantification andqualitative assessment of efficient volume disintegration directly in the in-situ real conditions. Numerical andanalytical methods, image processing of drilled cores and actual condition of drill bit, and observation ofdistribution and shape of drilled rock debris will all be used for analysis and interpretation of acquired data.Mechanical properties of drilled rock will be monitored as well, such as strength and abrasive properties. Theproject shall result in specific information on interaction between rock and drill bit, while the drilled core, drilldebris, vibration signal and condition change of drill bit will all represent the new information carrier. |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2026 |
Syntetizované minerály na báze komplexných oxidov a testovanie ich využitia pre komponenty zariadení získavania a uskladnenia energie so zreteľom na udržateľnosť životného prostredia | |
Synthesized minerals with the structure of complex oxides as components for devices for green energy production and storage | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | The issue of the development of sustainable energy sources is one of the most intensively researched scientific areas today. However, addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach. One of the possibilities is the synthesis and modification of new materials based on minerals with a structure of complex oxides. It is known that complex oxides have a wide range of applications as components for energy generating and storing equipment. Nevertheless, the influence of the modification of the composition, structure, variations in the size of the crystallographic grains and the contribution of the active surface on the functional properties of the studied materials still requires intensive research. Therefore, within the solution of the project, complex oxides of various structural and chemical compositions (especially with perovskite and spinel structure) will be synthesized and investigated utilizing milling of precursors and investigated by standard methods used for the characterization of minerals. |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2026 |
Využitie mikrovlnnej energie pri odstraňovaní nebezpečných polutantov z modelových roztokov, banských vôd a pri dekontaminácii priemyselných odpadov | |
Microwave Energy Utilization in the Removal of Toxic Pollutants from Model Solutions, Mine Drainage and Industrial Waste Decontamination. | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Zubrik Anton, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on the preparation of advanced carbon adsorbents from local precursors (e.g. Slovak lignite, waste biomass). Microwave heating will be applied in the pyrolytic synthesis of the adsorbents, their surface activation, and modification, as well as in the regeneration process. The modification will be realized by incorporating magnetic nanoparticles (Fe (0), Fe-oxides) into carbon structures. It allows the separation of the solid adsorbent from the cleaned water by magnetic filtration. In addition to the static adsorption experiments, the dynamic mode will be applied during the adsorption studies to eliminate selected toxic metals/metalloids and organic pollutants. Desorption and regeneration of adsorbents as well as microwave degradation of organic pollutants will also be examined. The main goal is to prepare the advanced material with excellent surface properties applicable in the environmental technologies e.g. for remediation of mine drainage and industrial wastes. |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2026 |
Vývoj nových oxidov so spinelovou štruktúrou pre alternatívne systémy skladovania energie | |
Development of novel oxides with spinel structure for alternative energy storage systems | |
Program: | Iné projekty |
Project leader: | Mgr. Porodko Olena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The current project is focused on high-capacity anode materials for LIBs. In this context, complex oxides with a spinel structure represent a suitable alternative as anode materials for LIBs. The main focus will be placed on the design and study of novel materials for LIBs.Based on previous results, great attention will be paid to change (i.e. replace /decrease) of the critical transition metals (e.g. Co and Ni). The main goal is to develop suitable anode materials for LIBs. |
Duration: | 1.1.2025 – 31.12.2026 |
SPCEFAT – Odomykanie inovačného potenciálu kompozitov oxidu kremičitého a pektínu ako ekologicky šetrných adsorbentov pre úpravu vody | |
Unlocking the Innovative Potential of Silica/Pectin Composites as Environmentally Friendly Adsorbents for Water Treatment | |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Kyshkarova Viktoriia, PhD. |
Annotation: | The primary objective of this project is to develop silica/pectin composites assorbents. Our approach stands out in recycling waste materials to obtain thenecessary components for the desired composite: silica derived from minerals andpectin sourced from agricultural by-products. This approach ensures bothenvironmental sustainability and the renewability of the manufacturing process.Pectin was chosen as a crucial component due to its abundance and the presenceof numerous carboxyl groups. These groups exhibit the ability to form complexeswith metal ions, thereby enhancing the overall sorption capacity. The utilization ofpectin as an adsorbent offers environmental benefits owing to its natural origin andbiodegradability. To further improve its adsorption properties, techniques such aschemical modification, cross-linking, and blending with other materials, specifically silica in our case, can be employed. These modifications enhance the adsorptioncapacity, selectivity, and stability of pectin for specific applications. The main focus of this project will be on the removal of heavy metals from water. |
Duration: | 1.10.2024 – 31.8.2026 |
AQUASYS – Systémy na zvýšenie čistoty priemyselnej vody prostredníctvom adsorbentov, katalyzátorov a senzorov | |
Systems for Enhanced Industrial Water Purity through Adsorbents, Catalysts, and Sensors | |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Melnyk Inna, PhD. |
Annotation: | Drinking water problems persistently present significant challenges on a global scale, profoundly impacting the health and well-being of millions of individuals. The contamination of water sources, resulting from industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and inadequate sanitation practices, further jeopardizes the quality of drinking water. The UN\’s SDGs 6 and 14 specifically aim to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. In line with these objectives, the proposed project will address tasks aligned with these goals, specifically focusing on the creation of materials for water purification and the determination of pollutants in water through the development of sensors. The basis of these substances will be silica, which will be prepared from silica-containing minerals. To create adsorbents (for the removal of a large amount of organic and inorganic pollutants), various organic and complexing groups will be introduced into the surface layer, along with combinations of them. To create catalysts (for the degradation of small concentrations of organic pollutants), transition metals and rare-earth elements will be fixed on the surface of such carriers. The sensors will contain luminescence-sensitive organic groups within the matrix. Such a comprehensive approach will help solve many problems related to water purification |
Duration: | 1.9.2024 – 31.8.2026 |
MinePig – Sekundárne minerály z banských vôd ako zdroj cenných pigmentov | |
Secondary minerals from mine waters as a source of valuable pigments | |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Bártová Zuzana, PhD. |
Annotation: | Iron oxides have served as pigments for centuries. Both naturally occurring and artificially produced iron oxides find application in a wide array of uses, including paints, stains, plastics, and construction materials. The weathering process concentrates naturally formed oxides and hydrated oxides of iron (Fe), aluminum(Al), and manganese (Mn). These naturally derived pigments, in shades of red,yellow, and brown, are currently extracted on a limited scale and are considered to be non-renewable resources. In general, acquiring these pigments from natural sources contributes to environmental degradation. One of the most interesting sources of secondary minerals that naturally form in water rich in dissolved metals is acid mine drainage (AMD). It is a prominent topic in the context of historical mining residues and mining effluents, through which metals enter the environment,posing a risk. Obtaining these pigments from old mine drainage presents a challenge, the solution to which will bring about new technological approaches in metal bioprecipitation processes and raw material recovery. The resulting product will be a pigment obtained in an environmentally friendly manner with the lowest possible operating costs from this almost untapped natural resource. |
Duration: | 1.8.2024 – 31.7.2026 |
Bio4Sb – Získavanie antimónu biolúhovaním tetraedritu ako primárneho zdroja kritických surovín | |
Antimony recovery by bioleaching of tetrahedrite as a primary source of CRM | |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Hagarová Lenka, PhD. |
Annotation: | According to the Critical Raw Materials List (2023), the European Union\’s (EU)reliance on antimony has reached 100%. Moreover, antimony is seen as a metal supporting the transition to a green economy. However, some countries have antimony resources, such as Slovakia, which has more than 3 Mt of antimony available. This project deals with recovering critical raw materials (CRMs) with a primary focus on antimony from primary resource by advanced biotechnological methods considering the environmental aspect. The process is based on the tetrahedrite concentrate bioleaching optimization by acidophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria at ambient temperature, which represents environmentally less demanding yet energy-efficient ways of extracting metals compared to conventional mineral separation and chemical processing routes. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.8.2024 – 31.7.2026 |
Spracovanie hlinitokremičitanových minerálov na vytvorenie adsorbentov s organofunkčnými skupinami pre čistenie vôd od anorganických a organických znečisťujúcich látok | |
Processing of aluminosilicate minerals to create adsorbents with organofunctional groups for water purification from inorganic and organic pollutants | |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Simanová Klaudia |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 1.9.2023 – 30.6.2026 |
REMEDY – Výskum sanačných procesov pre dekontamináciu podzemných a banských vôd so získavaním kritických surovín | |
Research of remediation processes for decontamination of groundwaters and mine effluents followed by CRM recovery | |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Ing. Václavíková Miroslava, PhD. |
Annotation: | Insufficient protection of waters and the immediate need for remediation of high-prioritized old environmental burden resulted in an idea to investigate the methods for efficient clean-up of contaminated waters by implementing novel approaches of combined physical, chemical and biological treatment processes. REMEDY aimsfor design and confirming the proof-of-concept of a sequential flow-through treatment chains for complex removal of persistent organic pollution from groundwaters, and for removal of heavy metals from mine effluents, the latter coupled with recovery of strategic metallic critical raw materials (mCRM) from such effluents, representing a potential secondary resource of CRM in line with the concepts of the circular economy. The proposed solution is innovative on a globalscale and the project methodology meets the ‘green technology’ concept by minimising the use of input chemicals, which is opposite to commonly applied wastewater treatment technologies. |
Duration: | 1.7.2024 – 30.6.2026 |
Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine | |
Scholarships for excellent researchers threatened by the military conflict in Ukraine | |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Prof. Dr. Makota Oksana, DrSc. |
Annotation: | |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.3.2023 – 28.2.2026 |
Staré banské diela ako zdroj environmentálneho zaťaženia prostredia | |
Old mining works as a source of environmental burden on the environment | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2025 |
Vysoko-energetické mletie vaječného odpadu na báze kalcitu a vybraných rastlín pre prípravu nanokryštalických minerálov a environmentálne aplikácie | |
High-energy milling of calcite-based eggshell waste and selected plants for preparation of nanocrystalline minerals and environmental applications | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Baláž Matej, DrSc. |
Annotation: | High-energy milling is a mineral processing technique initially developed for the treatment of raw materials during mining activities. In the proposed project, it will be used to treat calcite mineral present in the eggshell waste in order to improve its adsorption capability against selected heavy metal ions and dyes from both model solutions and real wastewaters from the mining regions. Additionally, bio-based calcite and the organic residue will be used as active reactants in the synthesis to yield nanocrystalline minerals (sulfides, oxides and their composites) and as a catalyst for the selected organic reactions. Both adsorption and nanomaterials synthesis will be also performed with selected common plants as natural raw materials. Eggshell and selected plants will be also applied as reducing agents to yield Ag and AgCl nanoparticles. The application of the obtained products in the fields of photocatalysis, thermoelectrics and in biomedicine will be tested in collaboration with foreign partners. |
Duration: | 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2025 |
AUHR – Získavanie zlata z koncentrátu Biely vrch (Detva) s využitím rias a mechanickej aktivácie | |
Gold recovery from White Hill (Detva) concentrate using algae and mechanical activation | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Ficeriová Jana, PhD. |
Annotation: | Complicated technological treatment of gold-containing concentrates and non-ecological methods of their processing have initiated the use of a non-traditional environmental method of this precious metal recovery. For these reasons, the scientific project is focused on gold obtained from concentrate White Hill (Detva) by using algae and mechanical activation. Mechanical activation of the concentrate and silica shells of freshwater algae causes changes in the physico-chemical properties of gold carriers as well as mineral components of algae. These structural changes have a decisive influence on the precipitation of nano-size gold into solutions of environmentally friendly reagents, from which the gold is subsequently fixed in the cell matrix on mechanically activated silica algae shells. The gold nanoparticles obtained in this way can have a very important benefit in practice for the disposal of hazardous substances in the environment. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025 |
Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine 09I03-03-V01-00098 | |
Scholarships for excellent researchers threatened by the military conflict in Ukraine | |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Semeshko Olha, PhD., DrSc. |
Annotation: | |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.9.2022 – 31.8.2025 |
MineWaste – Možnosti získavania kritických surovín pomocou progresívnych metód spracovania banských odpadov | |
Possibilities of critical raw materials recovery by advanced methods of mining wastes processing | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project idea is in accordance with priorities of strategy for research and development adopted by thegovernment RIS 3 and Strategy of the environmental policy of the Slovak Republic until 2030. The project solutionis based on the research and development need of progressive methods of wastes treatment from the mining andprocessing industry of ore raw materials in order to obtain critical raw materials with regard to environmentalprotection. The project is focused on the study of the wastes recovery from selected old mining sulphidic burdens inSlovakia – Smolník and Zlatá Baňa, as secondary sources of critical raw materials. The proposed concept of thesolution results from the intensification of natural processes combined with advanced physico-chemical andespecially biological-chemical processes, in accordance with generally used mining waste treatment proceduresand respecting the specific geochemical and hydrogeological conditions of the sites. The expected benefits of theproject are the selective metals recovery, the sulphates elimination, the mineral fractions utilization for constructionmaterials and the remediation proposal for the recovery and use of landscape potential. |
Duration: | 1.7.2021 – 30.6.2025 |
Štúdium vplyvu prekurzorov na mechanochemickú syntézu Sr2FeMoO6 a neusporiadanosť Fe/Mo iónov v štruktúre | |
Study on the influence of precursors in the mechanochemical synthesis of Sr2FeMoO6 and Fe/Mo ion disorder in its structure. | |
Program: | Iné projekty |
Project leader: | RNDr. Tóthová Erika, PhD. |
Annotation: | Sr2FeMoO6 (SFMO) is an important member of the so-called "double perovskites", which attracts attention due to interesting physicochemical properties, especially magnetic ones. These properties are largely influenced by the arrangement of Fe and Mo ions in the structure, which can be regular or irregular. So far, the highest disorder has been observed in SFMO prepared by a mechanochemical method using solid-phase precursors SrO, Fe, and MoO3. Disorder, although lower, was also observed for SFMO prepared by conventional methods using different precursors, so it is not clear which has a greater effect on the disorder, the synthesis method, or the type of precursor. During mechanosynthesis, the decomposition of reactants, and the formation of intermediate products also occurs in the gaseous state, which affects the current atmosphere and temperature in the grinding chamber. The goal of the project is to verify the influence of the precursor on the kinetics of the process and on the disorder of Fe and Mo ions in the SFMO structure by varying different precursors under the same milling conditions. |
Duration: | 1.7.2024 – 30.6.2025 |
Využitie magnetického biouhlíka z čajovej odpadovej hmoty pri odstraňovaní toxických polutantov z vôd | |
Application of magnetic biochar from tea waste biomass for removal of toxic pollutants from waters | |
Program: | Iné projekty |
Project leader: | Ing. Hreus Katarína, PhD. |
Annotation: | Recently, there has been a tremendous demand for the development of novel sustainable materialsfor water and wastewater treatment. Biochars represent the group of biosorbents that are effective,low cost, eco-friendly, and possess high sorption affinity toward a wide range of contaminants. Themain aim of this project is the development of magnetic biochar suitable for the removal of variousorganic and inorganic contaminants from water. As source material for biochar preparation teawaste biomass from the local tea house will be used. Fe nanoparticles will be incorporated intocarbonaceous structures to improve their surface and sorption properties. The magnetic tea wastebiochar will be prepared by standard methods of single and double step pyrolysis as well as by theinnovative method of green synthesis. The effect of used methods of preparation on the structuraland sorption properties towards selected contaminants will be studied. |
Duration: | 1.7.2024 – 30.6.2025 |
Intenzifikácia získavania vybraných kovov z ťažkoupraviteľných polymetalických rúd a banských odpadov v mikrovlnnom poli | |
Intensification of Selected Metals Recovery from Refractory Polymetallic Ores and Mining Wastes in Microwave Field | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Znamenáčková Ingrid, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is aimed at the study of microwave energy application in recovery of critical and strategic metals (Cu,Sb, Ag, Au, REE) from refractory polymetallic ores and their concentrates. Microwave pre-treatment will realise to meet an effective liberation of utility components. An attention will be paid to selective heating of utility minerals, which strongly absorb the microwave radiation (sulphides and oxides) and of non absorbing barren minerals (silicates). Selectivity of heating and degree of mineral structure failure will analyse by optical and scanning electron microscopy. An influence of microwave on the processes of comminution and separation in magnetic, electric and gravity fields will be observed. Metals winning will be performed by extraction techniques in solutions of mineral and organic acids (EDTA), and their salts, before and after microwave pre-treatment of metal ores and concentrates. Microwave-assisted metals extraction enabling more efficient metals leaching will be also realised. |
Duration: | 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024 |
Štúdium alternatívnych syntéz nanočastíc striebra – prekurzora mechanochemickej syntézy CuAgSe – polovodiča pre konverziu energie | |
Study of alternative syntheses of silver nanoparticles – precursor for mechanochemical synthesis of CuAgSe – semiconductor for energy conversion | |
Program: | DoktoGrant |
Project leader: | Mgr. Drenčaková Dáša |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2024 |
Vývoj perspektívnych kompozitov na báze oxidu kremičitého a pektínu ako ekologicky šetrných adsorbentov na čistenie odpadových vôd | |
Development of Perspective Silica/Pectin Composites as Environmentally Friendly Adsorbents for Wastewater Treatment | |
Program: | Iné projekty |
Project leader: | Mgr. Kyshkarova Viktoriia, PhD. |
Annotation: | In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the development of environmentally friendly adsorbents for wastewater treatment, driven by growing environmental awareness, stricter regulations, and new scientific innovations aimed at improving water purification. Traditional methods often rely on chemical reagents or expensive equipment, which can negatively impact the environment and human health. As a result, research is focusing on alternative materials that are cost-effective, sustainable, and readily available. |
Duration: | 1.1.2024 – 30.9.2024 |
COMWAT – Hybridné kompozity pre komplexné čistenie priemyselných vôd | |
Hybrid Composites for Complex Treatment of Industrial Waters | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Melnyk Inna, PhD. |
Annotation: | Water is an issue and became a priority of the research of the 21st century. The core subject of the project proposal lays in the research priorities defined by Strategy of research and innovations for the intelligent specialization of Slovak republic – RIS 3 as well as Strategy Europe 2020. The main objective of the project is the preparation of composite micro and nano adsorbents based on silica and metal oxides for the removal of inorganicand organic pollutants from waters. The materials will be functionalized by various functional groups in order to achieve better selectivity towards different metal ions and organic compounds. Multifunctional porous and nonporous spherical adsorbents will be prepared via one-step synthesis. The magnetic composites with mono- and multi-functional surface layers will synthesize as well. The sorption affinity of the new materials towards arsenic,lead, cadmium, mercury ions, and the selected organic pollutants such as adsorbable organic halides from metallurgy industry, polyaromatic hydrocarbons from agriculture, azodyes from textile industry and/or residuals of medical drugs will be investigated. |
Duration: | 1.7.2020 – 30.6.2024 |
Mechanochemická príprava CuS nanočastíc pre imunoterapiu | |
Mechanochemical preparation of CuS nanoparticles for immunotherapy | |
Program: | Iné projekty |
Project leader: | Mgr. Lukáčová Bujňáková Zdenka, PhD. |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2024 |
HINOX – Vzťahy medzi štruktúrou a nezvyčajnými fyzikálnymi vlastnosťami vo vysoko-nerovnovážnych oxidoch pripravených nekonvenčnou mechanochemickou syntézou | |
Relationships between structure and unusual physical properties in highly nonequilibrium oxides prepared by unconventional mechanochemical synthesis | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | Nonconventional mechanochemical methods will be used to prepare the far-from-equilibrium novel nanooxides. The studies of the early stages of the mechanically induced nucleation and growth of nonequilibrium phases will provide access to the elucidation of the microscopic mechanism of the nonconventional mechanochemical preparation route. This point represents one of the fundamental but till now the unsolved scientific issues in the field of mechanochemistry/solid state chemistry. Valuable quantitative insights into the atomic and electronic structures as well as into the dynamic and kinetic processes in the mechanochemically prepared nanomaterials will be obtained. Mechanical, magnetic and electric responses of the far-from-equilibrium nanophases will be studied experimentally with the aim to establish the interplay between their local structure and the functional behavior. |
Duration: | 1.7.2020 – 30.6.2024 |
Inovatívny výskum účinkov nanoštruktúry v mnohočasticových arzénoch | |
Innovative research on nanostructurization effects in multiparticulate arsenicals | |
Program: | Iné projekty |
Project leader: | Mgr. Lukáčová Bujňáková Zdenka, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.9.2023 – 31.12.2023 |
Štúdium nových typov materiálov na báze komplexných oxidov určených na uskladnenie energie | |
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Program: | DoktoGrant |
Project leader: | Mgr. Porodko Olena, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2023 |
Testovanie grafénovej elektródy pri čistení priemyselných odpadových vôd | |
Testing of graphene electrode in industrial wastewater treatment | |
Program: | Iné projekty |
Project leader: | Ing. Marcin Behunová Dominika, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2022 – 12.12.2023 |
Fotokatalyticky aktívne kompozity s aktívnym uhlím na elimináciu organických polutantov | |
Photocatalytically active activated carbon composites for elimination of organic pollutants | |
Program: | Iné projekty |
Project leader: | Mgr. Bodnár Yankovych Halyna, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 – 30.9.2023 |
Mechanochémia – využitie vaječných škrupín na odstránenie ortuti | |
Mechanochemistry of eggshell for Hg removal | |
Program: | Iné projekty |
Project leader: | Mgr. Baláž Matej |
Duration: | 1.2.2023 – 30.9.2023 |
Mechanochemická syntéza ternárneho sulfidu Znln2S4 ako fotokatalyzátora pre energetické a environmentálne aplikácie | |
Mechanochemical synthesis of ternary sulfide Znln2S4 as a photocatalyst for energy and environmental application | |
Program: | Iné projekty |
Project leader: | Mgr. Baláž Matej |
Duration: | 1.2.2023 – 30.9.2023 |
MULTINANO – Chalkogenidy ako perspektívne, ekologicky a ekonomicky prijatelné nanomateriály pre energetiku a medicínu | |
– | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Project will be aimed at the synthesis, characterization and utilization of advanced chalcogenide materials forapplication in energy and medicine sector. Binary, ternary and quaternary compounds of copper with a variablecomposition will be treated. Efficiency of thermoelectric and photovoltaic materials will be tested. Bio-imaging aswell as potential drug effectivity with antibacterial and anticancer effects will be studied. Mechanochemicalmethodology with the ability for scaling of the materials under study will be applied. |
Duration: | 1.7.2019 – 30.6.2023 |
Ekologický spôsob prípravy vybraných minerálnych fáz na báze oxidov a selenidov vysoko-energetickým mletím | |
A green approach to the direct synthesis of selected oxide and selenide mineral phases by high-energy milling | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Achimovičová Marcela, PhD. |
Annotation: | The non-conventional mechanochemical method will be used in the preparation of selected types of oxides and selenides, namely pyroxenes with the NaFeA2O6 chemical composition, where A = Si, Ge and selenospinels with the chemical composition AB2Se4, where A = Co, Ni, Cu and B = Co, Ni, Ti. Physico-chem. prop. of these materials can be used in practice as batteries. For the first time, the processes of mechanically induced nucleation from the early stages to the formation of the desired phases will be studied, providing information and clarification of the microscopic mechanism of this method. Detailed quantitative information on the atomic and electron structure of the prepared materials and qualitative information on the surface and granularity will be obtained. The effect of the mechanical effect on the physico-chemical (magnetic,electrical and optical) properties of mechanosynthetized materials will be studied by comparison with materials of the same composition prepared by other conventional methods. |
Duration: | 1.1.2020 – 31.12.2022 |
Mechanochemická príprava stabilnej nanosuspenzie CuS nanočastíc v roztoku kazeínu za využitia Taguchiho metódy | |
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Program: | DoktoGrant |
Project leader: | Mgr. Stahorský Martin |
Annotation: | CuS nanoparticles possess interesting optical, electrical and magnetic properties which make them well-applicable in different fields, mainly in energy conversion and biomedicine. The project is focused on the verification of fast and ecological two-step mechanochemical synthesis of stable nanosuspension CuS-casein. The Design of Experiments (DoE) methodology, namely Taguchi design will be applied to find the optimum synthesis parameters. The variables will be: the amount of CuS nanoparticles, the concentration of the casein solution, the milling time and the centrifugation speed. As responses will be: the average hydrodynamic particle diameter (D50) by PCCS and the amount of copper determined by AAS. The identified optimum conditions could possibly be applied also for nanosuspensions preparation of other chalcogenide nanocrystals with biomolecules (such as casein, albumin or cysteine). At the end, the biological actvity of the obtained nanosuspension will be investigated. |
Duration: | 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2022 |
Mechanosyntéza a štúdium minerálov na báze komplexných oxidov ako vhodných komponentov zariadení pre výrobu energie s minimálnym negatívnym dopadom na životné prostredie | |
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Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2022 |
Príprava materiálov pre remediáciu environmentálnych záťaží po banskej činnosti | |
Preparation of Materials for the Remediation of Old Mining Sites. | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Václavíková Miroslava, PhD. |
Annotation: | Due to intensive industrial activities, many pollutants such as heavy metals, radionuclides and other substances including organic once enter the environment and have been identified as highly toxic and harmful to human health. Heavy metals are non-biodegradable species. In the aqueous environment they occur in dissociatedforms (as cations i.e. Cd2+, Pb2+, Cu2+, Zn2+; anions/oxyanions i.e. HAsO42-, CrO42-, HSeO4-, HSeO3-, HMoO4–). One of the priority sources of heavy metals in Slovakia are old and/or abandoned mines with the significant streams of acid mine drainage (AMD) waters. The objective of the project is the synthesis and investigation of composite sorbents based on Fe oxides for the removal of both cationic and anionic forms ofheavy metals/metalloids from aqueous media. Moreover, the sortion affinity towards the selected organic contaminants such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons will be investigated as well. |
Duration: | 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2022 |
Štúdium biooxidačných a bioredukčných procesov síry a jej zlúčenín v životnom prostredí a v priemysle | |
Study of the bio-oxidising and bio-reducing processes of sulphur and its compounds in environment and industry | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on the study of positive and negative effects of the metabolic activity of sulphur-oxidizingand sulphate-reducing bacteria to the environment and technologies connected with mineral processing andconstruction industry. The main research area is to develop method of application and sulphuric bacteriametabolism control in connection with industrial waste water treatment, prediction study and prevention ofcorrosive effects on building materials. The study of new methodology about the combination of conventionalmethods with biooxidation and bioreduction of sulphur and its compounds in the treatment and processing of rawmaterials, industrial wastes and environmental matrices is the expected benefit of the project. |
Duration: | 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2022 |
Štúdium možností mechanochemickej syntézy selenidu striebra – polovodiča pre uskladňovanie energie | |
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Program: | DoktoGrant |
Project leader: | Mgr. Gáborová Katarína |
Annotation: | Recently, green technologies have attracted much attention due to environmental concerns. The project is focused on the verification of three strategies of silver selenide, Ag2Se mechanochemical synthesis, which is nanostructured semiconductor and perspective thermoelectric material. One-step direct synthesis from the precursors AgNO3 and SeO2 and two other two-steps synthetic pathways will be studied, whereby in the first step, Ag nanoparticles will beprepared by milling-induced reduction using a chemical or biological reducing agent. These hitherto unrealized processes represent a simple, low-cost, environmentally friendly, and solvent-free method with the potential for largescale fabrication of Ag2Se. Innovative energy-saving technology is considered to be a promising way to relieve the impact on the environment. The project includes the monitoring of the kinetics of the proposed mechanochemical syntheses, an evaluation of the phase purity of the prepared products by X-ray powder diffractometry (XRPD), morphology characterization by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) and measurement of thermoelectric properties. |
Duration: | 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2022 |
Štúdium tuhých častíc v ovzduší a vybraných zložiek životného prostredia využitím screeningových metód | |
The study of particulate matters in ambient air and selected environment components using the screening methods | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Hančuľák Jozef, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2022 |
Vplyv rýchlosti deformácie na pevnostné a pretvárne vlastnosti hornín pre výskum rozpojovania hornín | |
The effect of the strain rate on the strength and deformation rock properties for the research of the rock disintegration | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Labaš Milan, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2022 |
AuMCHBA – Získavanie zlata z ťažko spracovateľných sulfidických koncentrátov s aplikáciou mechanochemicko-biologickej aktivácie | |
Gold recovery from refractory sulphide concentrates by mechanochemico-biological activation | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Ficeriová Jana, PhD. |
Annotation: | The demanding processing of gold-containing concentrates, as well as dangerous cyanide method for gold recovery encourage the application of new ways to obtain this precious metal. Therefore, the aim of this project is obtaining gold from refractory sulphide concentrates by using of non-cyanide mechanochemico-biological processes. Mechanochemical activation of concentrates and siliceous shells of specified algae in the non-cyanide environment causes changes in the physico-chemical properties of gold minerals as well as algae mineral constituents. These structural changes have a decisive influence on the formation of gold nanoparticles into non-cyanide media under the specific reaction conditions, from which they are subsequently fixed in the cellular matrix of mechanochemically activated algal shells. Gold nanoparticles can have various utilization in practice, such as accelerating the breakdown of hazardous substances or disposal of pollutants from contaminated water, soil and air. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2020 – 31.12.2022 |
Hodnotenie environmentálneho zaťaženia prostredia v bývalom banskom areáli využitím tradičných a alternatívnych bioindikačných metód. | |
The assessment of environmental load of the environment in former mining area using traditional and alternative bioindication methods. | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The present project is focused on the research of pollutants in individual environmental components within the former mining area in the cadastral area of the villages Zlatá Baňa and Červenica (Eastern Slovakia). For the research purposes, in addition to traditional methods, alternative bioindication research methods will be used. These methods are low-cost, easy to implement and effective for assessing the content of contaminants. By statistical evaluation of the obtained results will be verified the suitability and effectiveness of these methods, and suggested the most appropriate alternative method. There will be assessed the impact of heavy metals onselected biological, chemical and physical characteristics of environmental components. |
Duration: | 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2021 |
SiO2/polymér hybridné kompozity pre komplexné čistenie priemyselných vôd | |
SiO2/polymer hybrid composites for complex purification of industrial water | |
Program: | DoktoGrant |
Project leader: | Mgr. Kyshkarova Viktoriia, PhD. |
Annotation: | Hybrid composites prepared by the sol-gel method have currently received attention due to their excellentcombination of organic and inorganic parts in one material. The diversity of properties of such materials leads to a very broad range of their applications including water purification. The main aim of the project is the preparation of composite adsorbents based on silica and different types of polymers with carboxylic surface groups for the removal of inorganic (metal ions) and organic (basic dyes) pollutants from waters. Different variations of the sol-gel method will be applied and the synthesis conditions will be chosen to achieve better selectivity towards different metal ions and organic dyes. The advantage of the proposed method of synthesis is one-step, carrying out at room temperature, the use of environmentally friendly substances as solvents. The proposed approaches can be used to create adsorption composites with acid groups based on silica and polymers. |
Duration: | 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2021 |
Vysoko-energetické mletie pre syntézu nanomateriálov bio-prístupom a vybrané environmentálne aplikácie | |
High-energy milling for the synthesis of nanomaterials using bio-approach and selected environmental applications | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Baláž Matej, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The research project is focused on mechanochemical synthesis of the selected nanomaterials via combination of high-energy milling and green approach using precursors based on minerals, natural materials and waste. Mechanochemical reduction will be aimed at preparation of nanocrystalline metals with bactericide effects (Ag, Cu). At the same time, the project will be focused also environmentally, because the application of mechanochemistry will be tested on elimination of halogenated compounds and sorption of toxic metals present in wastewaters after mining and metallurgical activities. Environmental aspect will also resonate by research of selected organic reactions where solid state approach via mechanochemistry can be realized through solvent-free technology. Available characterization methods will be applied for products characterization and monitoring of environmental parameters. The project broadens the application potential of mineralurgy and also metallurgy. |
Duration: | 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2021 |
Štúdium kinetiky rastu bakteriálneho izolátu Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans SS3 pri suboptimálnych teplotách simulujúcich reálne podmienky kyslých banských vôd. | |
Study the growth kinetics of the bacterial isolate Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans SS3 at suboptimal temperatures simulating the real conditions of acid mine drainage | |
Program: | DoktoGrant |
Project leader: | Mgr. Hagarová Lenka, PhD. |
Annotation: | Bacterial strain Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans SS3 belongs to autotrophic iron-oxidizing acidophiles, that play an essential role in the weathering of sulphide minerals e.g. pyrite. The hydrolysis of Fe3+ ion, which is a product of bacterial oxidation, is an acidity producing reaction leading to the formation of secondary iron minerals such as hydroxysulphates (schwertmannite, jarosite). The objective of this project is to describe oxygen and carbon dioxide consumption rates of bacteria and to determine the bacterial growth, iron oxidation kinetics and ferric iron minerals precipitation at suboptimal temperatures simulating the real conditions of AMD (acid mine drainage). The morphology and chemical composition of schwertmannite and jarosite-group minerals will be characterized by SEM microscopy and EDX analyses. The obtained information will lead to better knowledge of acidophilic bacteria-associated reaction in mine environments, their application in hydrometallurgy and water and soil remediation. |
Duration: | 1.1.2020 – 28.2.2021 |
Príprava a funkcionalizácia chalkogenidových minerálov a ich nanokompozitov vysoko-energetickým mletím | |
Preparation and functionalization of chalcogenide minerals and their nanocomposites by high-energy milling | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Dutková Erika, PhD. |
Annotation: | The scientific project is focused on the preparation of nanocrystalline binary, ternary and quaternary chalcogenide minerals (sulphides, selenides) and their nanocomposites by the application of mechanochemical processes using high-energy milling performed in laboratory and industrial mills. The surface, structural and morphological properties of the prepared compounds will be characterized in detail using a wide spectrum of research infrastructure. Moreover, the properties of the sythesized nanocrystalline chalcogenide minerals and nanocomposites from their potential application point of view, mainly optoelectronic, photocatalytic and biological ones will be tested. Sulphur-containing natural materials will be also used as precursors for the mechanochemical synthesis of sulphide minerals. Mechanochemical capping of the synthesized nanostructure minerals by biocompatible compounds (functionalization) will be object of our research as well. |
Duration: | 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020 |
Viaczložkové filtre v procese čistenia výluhov od toxických prvkov po bioremediácii pôd kontaminovaných hutníckym priemyslom | |
Multicomponent filters in process of leachates cleaning from the toxic elements after the bioremediation of soils contaminated by metallurgical industry | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Znamenáčková Ingrid, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project involves the basic research oriented on the treatment of leachates containing toxic elements originated from the bioremediation process of contaminated soils. The project continues original methods of soils and sediments bioleaching by heterotrophic bacteria in aerobic and anaerobic conditions studied in previous VEGA project focused on the development of bioremediation technology. The subject of the project is preparation and study of multicomponent filters properties, composed from the natural materials (quartz sand, siderite, pyrite) and synthetic prepared materials (iron and manganese oxides/hydroxides) that will be used for cleaning of leaching media containing toxic elements. The original gain of the project will be the definition of optimal ratio of particular filters components for the most effective recycling of media containing different concentrations of toxic ions in dependence of locality and soil contamination. The greatest accent will be focused on the arsenic removal. |
Duration: | 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2020 |
Získavanie vybraných kritických surovín z environmentálnych záťaží po baníctve, hutníctve a uhoľnej energetike | |
Recovery of Selected Critical Minerals from Environmental Loads after Mining, Metallurgy and Coal-Fired Power Industry | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Dolinská Silvia, PhD. |
Annotation: | The mineral waste coming from mining (mineral processing), metallurgy and coal-fired power industry can be also treated as a significant source of so called critical mineral raw materials or possibly elements. Submitted project proposal includes detailed analysis of the following selected waste from Slovakia: black coal fly ash (Košice), tailings from flotation and polymetallic ore processing (Markušovce), bauxite residuum (dump of red mud after Bayer process, Žiar nad Hronom), from viewpoint of critical elements abundance. On the basis of obtained data physical and physico-chemical techniques of critical elements beneficiation will be proposed. An extraction of critical elements by various chemical agents and an optimization of leaching process will be performed. Chemical and physico-chemical methods will be applied in selective separation of critical elements from leachates. An influence of microwave energy on efficiency of critical elements extraction from waste will be also investigated. |
Duration: | 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2020 |
ZVNI – Vývoj systému pre kontinuálne monitorovanie vplyvu znečistenia na vysokonapäťovú izoláciu | |
Development of a system for continuous monitoring of pollution impact on the high-voltage insulation | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | The dynamics of the environmental pollution is affected by the industrial emissions and the ongoing climatechange. The environmental pollution on electrical insulation is one of the problems faced by distribution utilitiesand electricity transmission system. Moreover, it can be classified as a potential danger for reliable operation ofan electric power system. Seasonal conversions affect the tendency accumulation of contaminants on thesurface of insulators and cause chemical changes which influence their original characteristics. This fact needsto be addressed, as mentioned insulation is an important part in the chain of the transmission and the distributionsystems reliability. Current knowledge points to the fact that, depending on the profile of the insulator, thepollution, the humidity and the temperature of the surface are strongly related to the insulation withstand.External pollution modifies the electrical breakdown strength of isolation. In Slovakia, thousands of insulators areincluded in the electricity transmission and distribution systems. Nevertheless, at present time in Slovakia noinformation is gathered about the current state of pollution in key areas of strategic energy objects. The project isfocused on the development of modern equipment, enabling real-time monitoring of insulator surface conditioneither in autonomous mode or as part of an existing network-based IT infrastructure with a remote dispatchingcontrol system. This proposal of research and development is invoked by the project implemented within the EU |
Duration: | 1.7.2016 – 30.6.2020 |
ISE – Identifikácia špecifickej energie rozpojovania hornín z vibračného signálu | |
Identification of Specific Drilling Energy Based on Vibration Signal | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Lazarová Edita, CSc. |
Annotation: | The main goal of the project is to develop and elaborate a method for use of vibration signal in the identification of specific energy during rock drilling. The introduction of the vibration signal for assessment of rock drilling processissues from previous theoretical knowledge acquired from study and investigation of the rock cutting mechanism and from extensive experimental research performed at the Institute of Geotechnics, Slovak Academy of Sciences based on input and output parameters monitored during the rock drilling process. The project shallissue an optimization diagram of vibration signal energy, whose extreme value in the area of applicable drilling regimes shall be determined by the argument of minimum of specific drilling energy. |
Duration: | 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2019 |
Mechanizmus protinádorového účinku nanočastíc realgáru a synergia s anti-myelónovými liečivami | |
Mechanism of anti-tumor activity of realgar nanoparticles and its synergism with anti-myeloma agents | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Lukáčová Bujňáková Zdenka, PhD. |
Annotation: | Multiple myeloma (MM) is the second most common hematological malignancy of plasma cells, which remains largely incurable despite improved survival after development of novel therapies. Arsenic trioxide (ATO) shows limited response due to long-term toxicity in clinical phase II trials of relapsed and refractory MM patients, whereas arsenic sulfide in the form of realgar nanoparticles (NREA) differs comparing with ATO with profoundly better safety. Furthermore, our preliminary data showed higher anti-MM activity of NREA than ATO. Therefore, the goal of this proposal is to define the molecular mechanism of anti-MM activity of NREA in MM pathogenesis, either alone or in combinations with anti-MM agents, using our established in vitro validation systems and preclinical in vivo models to provide the framework for clinical evaluation of NREA as novel MM therapy. |
Duration: | 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2019 |
Štúdium fyzikálno-chemických vlastností nanooxidov pripravených kombinovanou mechanochemicko/termickou syntézou | |
Study of physico-chemical properties of nanooxides prepared by combined mechanochemical-thermal synthesis | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Tóthová Erika, PhD. |
Annotation: | The research will be focused on the preparation of two attractive materials with interesting physico-chemical properties by combined mechanochemical-thermal synthesis. The plan (intent) concerns the multiferroic material LiFeSi2O6 and the well-known semiconductor ZnO. The accent is put on the preparation route, i.e. on the mechanochemical activation and following calcination of the precursors. The unconventional mechanochemical activation increases the internal and surface energy and decreases the coherence (cohesion) of the material at the same time, and this can reduce the temperature of the solid state synthesis. The influence of mechanical activation on the physico-chemical (magnetic and optical) properties of such-prepared material with respect to materials of same composition but prepared by conventional methods will be studied. |
Duration: | 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2019 |
SEMINANO – Mechanochémia polovodičových nanokryštálov: od minerálov k materiálom a liekom | |
Mechanochemistry of Semiconductor Nanocrystals: from Minerals to Materials and Drugs | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The scientific project will be focused on elaboration of the specific mechanochemical routes to synthesize theadvanced substances with high level of utilization in nanotechnologies. From these routes mechanochemicalsynthesis, mechanochemical reduction, mechanical activation and nanomilling will be applied. The research anddevelopment under the umbrella of the project will deal with several nanophase materials (mainly semiconductornanocrystals, QDs) which will be characterized by a set of sophisticated methods. After synthesis andcharacterization, the utilization in material science (optical properties), medicine (toxicity and anticancer effects)and metallurgy (preparation of nanophases) will be studied in detail. Special attention will be devoted to thestudy of relation between synthesis parameters and properties utilized in processes under study. |
Duration: | 1.7.2015 – 30.6.2019 |
BTZS – Bakteriálna transformácia zlúčenín síry v procesoch syntézy a degradácie materiálov | |
Bacterial transformation of sulphur compounds in processes of materials synthesis and degradation | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | Project idea has issued from the sulfur bacteria metabolism existence which is the basis of the natural and industrial materials synthesis or degradation. Bacterial oxidation and reduction of sulfur and its compounds are the important part of the metabolism and suggest the possibility of their use in industrial technology as well as environment protection. The proposed project aims at study biooxidative and bioreductive properties of selected species of sulfur bacteria in removing of inorganic and organic pollutants from contaminated industrial waste waters and studying the origin, process and avoiding the corrosive effects on natural and synthetic materials with special emphasis on building materials. The expected project benefit is innovation of methods of application and control the bacteria metabolism having an affinity for sulfur and its compounds in bioremediation and biodegradation. |
Duration: | 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2018 |
BISILMAG – Bi-funkčné sferické častice na báze kremíka a magnetitu pre čistenie vôd | |
Bifunctional Silica and Magnetite Spherical Particles with Tailored Porosity and Surface Chemistry for Complex Water Treatment | |
Program: | SASPRO |
Project leader: | Ing. Václavíková Miroslava, PhD. |
Annotation: | Project aims to develop bi(or multi)functional silica and magnetically removable adsorbents for water purification and remediation securing removal of chemical pollutants both organic and inorganic nature. SASPRO will unite the efforts of the scientists and their expertise in two adjacent fields – synthesis and functionalization of mesoporous silica and silica-based adsorbents from the Marie Curie Fellow Dr Melnyk and advanced experience in physicochemical characterization of surface binding with valuable experience of their implementation in water purification from the Institute of Geotechnics SAS. Our specific aims: 1) Creation of silica microsheres with well defined composition for selective uptake of metal cations. 2) Сombination the properties of magnetite (easy removal from the reaction medium, recovery) with the assets of functionalized polysiloxane (specific groups, large specific surface area) and contribute to the selective removal of contaminating cations and organic molecules simultaneously. 3) Synthesis of nanocomposite multi-functional microparticles, testing them on wastewater samples modeling complex water systems. The goals will be achieved through coordinated research uniting the efforts of specialists in materials synthesis, characterization and application. In addition these materials are promising for applications in chromatography, drug delivery, creation of chemo- and biosensors, etc. |
Duration: | 1.3.2016 – 31.12.2018 |
Mikrovlnná syntéza polykomponentných materiálov pre úpravnícke a environmentálne technológie | |
Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Polycomponent Materials for Mineral Processing and Environmental Technologies | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Zubrik Anton, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project aims to study the synthesis, properties and utilization of magnetic carbon materials based on natural as well as industrial carbon precursors (Slovak coal, biomass, fly-ash). Various processes will be employed todevelop new materials: microwave pyrolysis, classical pyrolysis as well as co-precipitation with iron cations on carbon matrix. The goal of the project is to develop material possessing magnetic properties with high pore volume and specific surface area. Composites will be characterized by physical and chemical methods. The sorption affinity of composites towards heavy metal ions and organic pollutants from water will be examined as well. Solid-liquid separation after the sorption will be performed by magnetic filtration and the regeneration of sorbent will be investigated. The scheme of process cycle (Sorption/Magnetic Filtration/Desorption/Regeneration-Sorption) will be designed taking into the account the properties of composites as well as sorption efficiency and regeneration factor. |
Duration: | 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2018 |
Syntéza a aplikácia oxidov pre výrobu ekologicky čistej energie | |
Synthesis and Applications of Oxides for Production of Ecologically Clean Energy | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | Nanocrystalline complex oxides of various morphologies will be prepared via variety of chemical methods, including one-step mechanosynthesis, and tested mainly as materials for electrolytes in intermedium temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFC´s). Due to the precise analysis combining long-range and short-range structure sensitive analytical methods we will be able to penetrate into the local structural disorder in the as-prepared nanooxides and specimens taken after their sintering. Quantitative information on the short-range structure and on the diffusion phenomena and dynamics of oxygen ions in the synthesized oxides, provided by the detailed combination of several physic-analytical methods, will be complemented by the characterization of their electrochemical behavior. It will be of major importance to establish the interplay between the local structure and electrochemical performance of synthesized nanooxides with the aim to develop a novel high-conductive IT SOFC´s electrolytes for fuel cells. |
Duration: | 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018 |
Štúdium atmosférickej depozície, suspendovaných častíc a kontaminácie vybraných zložiek životného prostredia v priemyselnom a urbánnom prostredí Košíc a stredného Spiša | |
The Study of Atmospheric Deposition, Particulate Matters and Contamination of Selected Environment Components in Industrial and Urban Area of Košice and Middle Spiš | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Hančuľák Jozef, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on two specific components of the environment polluted area, to study air quality throughselected components of atmospheric deposition and particulate matters (PM) and the issue of contaminated soilsand bottom sediments. The main goal is to obtain deficit knowledge about the interaction and relationship ofdeposited particles of atmospheric deposition, their deposition fluxes and characteristics, origins and sources ofparticulate matters in the air. Study area of contaminated soils and bottom sediments is aimed at assessing therisks of potentially toxic elements through acute and chronic ecotoxicological tests and contact phytotoxicity tests. |
Duration: | 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2018 |
Výskum predikcie rozpojiteľnosti hornín a horninového masívu | |
Prediction of Drillability of Intact Rock and Rock Mass | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Ivaničová Lucia, PhD. |
Annotation: | The proposed project is focused on a complex research of drillability of rocks and rock mass. The main goal ofthe project is to evaluate and predict the rock drillability based on their physical, mechanical and technologicalproperties using the energy theory of rock cutting (specific cutting energy). Modelling of the rock drillability byconventional mathematical and statistical methods and means of artificial intelligence and modelling of the forceconditions at the rock-tool contact should enable the assessment of the effects of various factors, such as drilledrock type, applied drilling regime, drilling tool type and should deliver determination of the mutual relationsbetween the input and output variables of the rock drilling process. The verification of the derived model of rockdrillability should identify the dominant factors affecting the rock and rock mass drillability. |
Duration: | 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2018 |
Bioremediácia – Vývoj bioremediačnej technológie odstraňovania kovov z pôdy a sedimentov | |
The Development of Bioremediation Technology of Metals Removing from Soil and Sediment | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Danková Zuzana, PhD. |
Annotation: | Heavy metal contamination of soil and sediment is one of the main environmental problems in all world. Heavy metals are generally toxic and non-biodegradable in the soil and sediment matrix. It is important to develop a practical and economical technology for removal of heavy metals from metal-contaminated soils and sediments. Bioremediation primarily uses bacteria to removal and transform heavy metals. The biological method has beenconsidered as an efficient and cost-effective alternative to physicochemical treatment technologies for soil and sediment remediation. Under regulated conditions of bacterial activity, there will be possible to make the biological processes at bioremediation of soil and sediment more effective. The bioleaching mechanism leads tothe decreasing of metals concentration in sediments and these sediments can be applied again into soil. The metals released into leachates by bioleaching will be accumaccumulated by sorption to developed mineral filters which form a closed process. |
Duration: | 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2018 |
Magnetické správanie nerovnovážnych nanooxidov pripravených mechanochemickými metódami | |
Magnetic behavior of nonequilibrium nanooxides prepared by mechanochemical routes | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | prof. RNDr. Šepelák Vladimír, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Novel nonequilibrium & nanocrystalline stannates (M2SnO4, MSnO3), titanates (M2TiO4, MTiO3), germanates (M2GeO4), and silicates (M2SiO4) containing magnetic cations (M = Co2+, Ni2+, Fe2+) are planned to be prepared via one-step mechanosynthesis. It is expected that the proposed project will make significant contribution to the understanding of phenomena underlying an anomalous magnetic behavior of mechanosynthesized nanooxides of various structure and chemical composition. The planned systematic investigations of relationships between the far-from-equilibrium nanostructure and magnetic properties of nanooxides will allow us to verify whether the model proposed in our earlier work for ferrimagnetic spinels, based on the competition between the effects of spin canting and site exchange of cations between two sublattices, can also be applied for the interpretation of magnetic behavior of other structural types of spin-disordered oxide compounds. |
Duration: | 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2017 |
Mechanochémia tuhých látok pre využitie a nanotechnológiách | |
Mechanochemistry of Solids for Utilization in Nanotechnologies | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The scientific project will be focused on working up the mechanochemical routes to prepare substances with high level of utilization in nanotechnology. The processes of mechanical activation, mechanochemical synthesis and nanomilling used in mechanochemistry will be applied with the aim to solve the scientific goals of the project. The objects under study will cover arsenides (InAs), oxides (Fe3O4), carbonates (CaCO3) and chalcogenides (MexAy) (Me=Cd,Zn,As; A=S,Se)). In some cases the modification of the nanoparticle core with organic capping agents will be studied. |
Duration: | 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2017 |
Využitie screeningových metód pre hodnotenie kvality vybraných zložiek životného prostredia | |
Use of Screening Methods for The Quality Assessment of Selected Environment Components | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Findoráková Lenka, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on the use of screening methods for assessing of soils and sediments quality fromselected areas of eastern Slovakia polluted due to the former mining workloads. Originality of this project will bethe use of earthworms of the genus Dendrobaena in order to reduce and eliminate possible contamination of testsoils and sediments. By using ecotoxicological screening methods risks of tested samples contamination will beevaluated. Investigation of phase changes and determination of kinetic parameters in study samples will becarried out before and after ecotoxicological tests and application of earthworms using spectroscopic methodsand thermal analysis. |
Duration: | 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2017 |
Spoločný projekt BSK, SAV a PriF UK na výskum možností dekontaminácie environmentálnej záťaže Bratislava – Vrakuňa – Vrakunská cesta, skládka CHZJD | |
Joint Project of Office of Bratislava Self-Governing Region, UGT SAV & PriF UK Decontamination of Environmental Load Bratislava – Vrakuňa – Vrakunská cesta, CHZJD Landfill. | |
Program: | Iné projekty |
Project leader: | MVDr. Kupka Daniel, PhD. |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 25.7.2017 – 30.10.2017 |
Hydrometalurgické získavanie zlata z ložiska Biely vrch (Detva) a odpadov s aplikáciou elektrolýzy, mechanickej aktivácie a sorpcie | |
Hydrometallurgical Extraction of Gold from White Hill (Detva) Deposit and Wastes with the Application of Electrolysis, Mechanical Activation and Sorption | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Ficeriová Jana, PhD. |
Annotation: | The scientific project will be focused on the hydrometallurgical processing (HP) of gold ore from the White Hill deposit and goldsmith\’s wastes in order to obtain Au with utilization of mechanical activation, electrolysis and sorbents. Hydrometallurgy is a group of technologies that are crucial to the economic extraction of Au ores with sub-microscopic Au and also from wastes. Technological processing of Au ores and wastes with an attractive Au content with the requirement for sufficient recovery of the concerned metal is problematic from economic perspective. For this reason, mechanical activation is currently used, which causes changes in the physical and chemical properties, which have significant effect on the intensification of Au extraction in the HP of Au ore and wastes processing. The aim of the HP is to get Au into a solution and then get out it back from the solution. The purpose of Au ore processing and goldsmith\’s wastes using an electrolytic process is to obtain gold in the metallic form. |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2016 |
Mechanosyntéza lítiových nanosilikátov s významnými elektrochemickými a magnetickými vlastnosťami | |
Mechanosynthesis of lithium nanosilicates with attractive electrochemical and magnetic properties | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Tóthová Erika, PhD. |
Annotation: | Within the framework of the proposed project we focus on the mechanosynthesis of lithium nanosilicates "Li2FeSiO4" and "LiFeSi2O6" with attractive electrochemical and magnetic properties. The prepared nanomaterials will be characterized in detail, particularly their structure, surface and volume properties,morphology will be studied and particle size analysis will be carried out. For the lithium nanosilicate "Li2FeSiO4" its suitability for application in Li-ion baterries will be tested via galvanostatic measurements. In the case of"LiFeSi2O6" nanosilicate its magnetic state will be studied, which should be determining for its potential multiferroic properties. |
Duration: | 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2016 |
Uplatnenie mikrovlnnej energie pri intenzifikácii procesov extrakcie a pyrolýzy uhlia a odpadov | |
Microwave Energy Application for Intensification of Extraction and Pyrolytic Processes of Coal and Wastes | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Dolinská Silvia, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is aimed at application of microwave energy for beneficiation process of energetic raw materials and metallurgical wastes. Parameters optimization of microwave extraction of organic substances from coal and biomass will be studied. Microwave pyrolysis of coal and biomass (straw, reed /lat. Phragmites Australis/, residue of rape, corn, sunflower) at different heating conditions and physicochemical analyses of obtained solid and liquid products will be realized. Solid products after microwave treatment will be tested as sorbents for removing of heavy metals from waste water. Concentrates with high content of utilizable components will be obtained aftermicrowave extraction of metallurgical wastes. The new and non-conventional microwave energy methods will be developed on the basis of experimental and theoretical results. |
Duration: | 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2016 |
Fyzikálne a elektrochemické správanie mechanochemicky pripravených nanooxidov | |
Physical and electrochemical behavior of mechanochemically prepared nanooxides | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | prof. RNDr. Šepelák Vladimír, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The objectives of the proposal are are as follows:- to prepare novel Sn-, Ti-, Ge-, Si-, and Fe-based complex nanooxides: stannates (M2SnO4, MSnO3), titanates (M2TiO4, MTiO3), germanates (M2GeO4), silicates (M2SiO4), and ferrites (RFeO3, R3Fe5O12, MFe12O19) via one-step mechanosynthesis performed at room temperature (without subsequent thermal treatment);- to clarify the microscopic mechanism giving rise to the formation of the core–shell configuration in mechanosynthesized nanoparticles;- to provide detailed insight into the short-range structure of highly metastable Sn-, Ti-, Ge- Si-, and Fe-based nanooxides prepared by mechanosynthesis;- to reveal the unusual physical behavior of nanoscale mechanochemically prepared oxides by studying experimentally their magnetic and electric responses;- to test the as-prepared complex nanooxides as anode materials for Li-ion batteries. |
Duration: | 1.7.2012 – 31.12.2015 |
Mechanochemická syntéza nanokryštalických keramických materiálov pre priemyselné a environmentálne aplikácie | |
The mechanochemical of nanocrystalline ceramic materials for industrial and environmental applications | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on the unconventional one-step synthesis of nanocrystalline ceramic materials with huge utilization in industrial applications and in the case of environmental protection. It is well known, that properties of nanocrystalline materials are rather dependent on their structural and microstructural parameters, which are mostly influenced by method of synthesis. Thus it will influence their physical (magnetization, coercitive force, conductivity, PTCR effect, photoluminiscence, etc.) and microsctructural (the size, shape and size distribution of particles, anisotropy, etc.) properties. The goal of proposal project is to prepare nanocrystalline materials of various compositions by one-step mechanochemical synthesis and to study the influence of microstructure on their physical properties with further utilization in industry and environmental protection. |
Duration: | 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015 |
CFNT-MVEP – Centrum fyziky nízkych teplôt a materiálového výskumu v extrémnych podmienkach | |
Center of Low Temperature Physics and Materials Research in Extremal Conditions | |
Program: | Centrá excelentnosti SAV |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | In cooperation with two other Institutes of Slovak Academy of Sciences and Faculty of Sciences of P. J. Safarik University several perspective materials will be studied under extreme conditions of low temperature treatment and high-energy milling. Mutual Exchange of knowledge as well as experimental equipments will be applied to obtain nanomaterials with non-expected properties. |
Duration: | 4.8.2011 – 3.8.2015 |
PROMATECH – Výskumné centrum progresívnych materiálov a technológií pre súčasné a budúce aplikácie „PROMATECH“ | |
Research Center of Advanced Materials and Technologies for Current and Future Applications PROMATECH | |
Program: | Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a vývoj |
Project leader: | Ing. Hredzák Slavomír, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project was strategically aimed at the establishment of the national Research Center of Advanced Materials and Technologies for Current and Future Applications.The specific goals and activities were as follows: 1) Support of advancement of research and development institutions and their scientific – technical infrastructure Activity 1.1. Establishment and opening Research Center of Advanced Materials and Technologies 2) Cooperation in the frame of academic sector in realisation of applied research and development Activity 2.1. Applied research and development in the field of new materials and technologies 3) Enhancement of knowledge and technology transfer quality into industry Activity 3.1. Foundation of platform for technology transferThe research and development of the Center can be divided into following fields: 1) Advanced steels and alloys, powder metallurgy product, ceramic materials and hard coatings 2) Materials for biomedicine and environmental technologies3) Materials for information and communication technologies and cryotechnologies 4) Novel magnetic materialsIGT SAS has 4 new laboratories in new-built Centre building1) Laboratory of Mechanochemistry 2) Laboratory of aerosol solids and sediments3) Laboratory of Mineral Biotechnologies4) Physico-chemical laboratory |
Duration: | 30.8.2013 – 31.7.2015 |
GEOCEX – Centrum excelentnosti pre integrovaný výskum geosféry Zeme | |
Centre of Excellence for Integrative Research of the Earth´s Geosphere | |
Program: | Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a vývoj |
Project leader: | MVDr. Kupka Daniel, PhD. |
Annotation: | Strategic objective of the project is appreciated in the support of the excellence integrated research of the Earth’s geosphere with accent on the development of the required infrastructure, international cooperation and education. The realization of the project strikingly contributed to improvement of the laboratory equipment of the research institutions in Banská Bystrica and Košice regions (Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences – branch Banská Bystrica, Institute of Geotechnics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Košice and Technical University in Zvolen), which will result in a higher quality of the scientific output and potential in participation in international research projects. The integrated research has been realized in four main activities as follows:General Partner. Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences:1) Analysis of the global changes and their impacts to ecosystems and biodiversity of the Earth (documentation and dating of global changes, analysis of fossil ecosystems, identification of evolutionary changes in biodiversity, reconstruction of climatic history of the Earth, identification of sudden catastrophic events).2) Research of crustal-forming processes and geodynamic conditions of the Earth (geochemical and petrogenetic conditions of lithosphere formation, terrane geology, orogenic structure and paleogeographic evolution of the Western Carpathians).Partner 1. Institute of Geotechnics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Košice: 3) The study of the biogeochemical processes and environmental aspects of the protection of the mining landscape Partner 2. Technical University in Zvolen: 4) The study of the mater-energetic flows in the upper part of the geosphereIn the frame of the project the following laboratories were established in IGT SAS: – — – Laboratory of Geomicrobiology- Laboratory of Aerosol Solids |
Project web page: | |
Duration: | 1.9.2010 – 28.2.2015 |
Energetická interpretácia pevnostných vlastností horninového masívu | |
Energy interpretation of rock mass strength properties | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Lazarová Edita, CSc. |
Annotation: | Successful mechanized tunnelling of underground structures is determined by range of knowledge on excavated rock mass and suitability of the construction of the full-face tunnelling machine (TBM) for expected natural conditions. Rock mass is an inhomogeneous and anisotropic spatial discontinuum, with only incomplete mathematical descriptions and properties, which have to be determined from a conventional engineering-geological survey. Designed inverse continuous method of the assessment of rock mass properties based on monitored data of tunnelling process complements the usual survey. The method enables to specify the rock environment and outnumbers the data density acquired from conventional survey. Transformations of energetic interpretation of rock cutting by TBM into the problem of energy interpretation of rock mass strength properties would enable to acquire the detailed information for designing stage of constructional phase of the construction within the destructional phase of the tunnel construction. |
Duration: | 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2014 |
Interakcia fyzikálnych polí s jemnozrnnými minerálnymi surovinami v mineralurgických procesoch | |
Interaction of physical fields with fine-grained mineral materials in mineralurgical processes | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Hredzák Slavomír, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on the study of physical fields effect on individual components of polymineral carbonateand silicate primary raw materials as well as on wastes and by-products from mining and metallurgical industry.Individual components and properties of materials before and after their microwave pre-treatment will bedetermined using physical and chemical analytical methods. Pre-treated samples will subject to magnetic,electrostatic and eddy-current separation. The by-products and wastes from industrial minerals separation will betested in toxic substances removal from waters. The preparation of so called iron-rich ceramics in microwave fieldby vitrification of mixtures of selected industrial minerals, products of their separation and metalliferous mineralwastes will be performed. |
Duration: | 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2014 |
Biochemical trea – Stimulácia biochemických procesov úpravy surovín a odpadov | |
Stimulation of biochemical processes of raw material and waste treatment | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Štyriaková Iveta, PhD. |
Annotation: | Bacterial iron reduction and dissolution are highly regulated biochemical process. This scientific area represents one of unknown and few investigated areas of microbial ecology, and is one of central importance to the propose proceedings for the utilization of biotechnology. The knowledge of bacterial activity in iron cycle can provide different directions of exploiting in improvement quality of non-metallics, sediments, soil, iron coated filters and wastes. The bioavailability of Fe(III) is increased in environments that are rich in organic compoundsincluding humic substances and chelating agents. The iron-reducing bacteria are thought to play an important role in the cycle of iron and carbon, and also in the bioremediation processes of organic and metal contaminants. Unsterile condition gives a phylogenetic diversity of Fe- reducing bacteria; it is likely that more than one strategy for iron mineral dissolution exists and will be studied. |
Duration: | 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2014 |
SPaNIS – Štúdium pozitívnych a negatívnych vplyvov sulfureta v životnom prostredí a v priemysle | |
Study of positive and negative influences of sulphuretum in the environment and industry | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The proposed project will be focused on the study of sulphur-oxidising and sulphate-reducing bacteria metabolic activity effect in the environment and industry. These bacteria are fundamentals in positive and negative dissimilation part behaviour of biological sulphur cycle and its compounds in biosphere of so cold sulphuretum. The main research areas include the development of methods of application and control of mentioned bacteria metabolic activity in the connection with industrial waste waters treatment, prediction study and prevention its corrosive effect on concrete materials. The purpose of proposed project is to append and widen knowledge as well as methods associated with sulphuretum influence on the toxic metals mobility and sulphur compounds transformation in the processes of bioleaching, bioprecipitation, biosorption and biocorrosion. |
Duration: | 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2014 |
Štúdium ťažkých kovov, škodlivých minerálnych látok a ich depozície vo vybraných zložkách životného prostredia v oblastiach s banským a hutníckym priemyslom východného Slovenska | |
Study on heavy metals, harmful mineral substances and their deposition in the selected components of environment in the areas of mining and metallurgical industry in the eastern Slovakia | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Hančuľák Jozef, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on two components of environment in specifically loaded areas, i.e. the atmospheric deposition in the areas of the central Spiš and the Košice city and the bottom sediments of the water-work Ružín.The purpose is to determine the current and real stage of loading in the investigated areas by quantification of observed pollutants mass flows based on the monitoring of atmospheric deposition. On the basis of study on solidcomponent of deposition the ability of its mobility will be assessed and the hazards for the other components of environment arising therefrom will determine using extraction methods. The forms of occurrence and bond ofselected heavy metals, their mobility, bio-facility and ecotoxicity from viewpoint of possible interaction(autochthonously and/or allochthonously) with the other components of environment will be studied in bottom sediments by extraction methods and toxicity tests. On basis of obtained results a possibility of sediments utilization will be evaluated. |
Duration: | 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2014 |
Štúdium vlastností kompozitov na báze bentonitu, kremenných pieskov a bakteriálnych buniek | |
Study of the properties of bentonite, quartz sand and bacterial cells based composites | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Danková Zuzana, PhD. |
Annotation: | The aim of the proposed project is the study of natural materials properties used as components of the mixture sorbent in the process of the removal of heavy and toxic metals from the water environment. The compounds of the mixture material will consist of bentonite and quartz sand modified by precipitated metal oxides on their surfaces. Modifications of the bentonite and quartz sand, characterized by the changes in their structural, surface and porous properties will serve new sorbents, whose sorption properties will be evaluated through the experiments. Using the bacterial cell adhesion on the studied modified minerals surfaces is aimed at the next enhancement of the sorption properties of the mixture components. Sorption-diffusion parameters of the powdered mixture obtained from the column experiments in dynamic conditions will be important for the optimal ratio of mixture components. From the stimulation of bacterial coverage by nutrients, the regeneration of sorbent is expected. |
Duration: | 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2014 |
MECHANO – Mechanochemická modifikácia minerálov pre vyspelé nanotechnologické aplikácie | |
Mechanochemical Modification of Minerals for Advanced Nanotechnology Applications | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The sicentific project will be aimed at modification of the properties of selected minerals by mechanochemical treatment. Intensive milling generates changes of many physico-chemical properties which can be utilized for advanced applications in several branches. For environmental application the ability of activated silicates to sequestrate the carbon dioxide will be used. The same ability manifest the oxides and the carbonates by sorption of toxic metals from soltions. Two-step decomposition of sulphides leads to application in nanotechnology by preparation of the nanocrystalline copper. Mechanochemical synthesis of the synthetic minerals (sulphides, selenides, titanates) in nanosize dimensions can find application in materials engineering. Nanosuspensions of arsenic sulphide show the new-in Europe till now not studied-positive effect by elimination of cancer cell. |
Duration: | 1.5.2011 – 31.10.2014 |
WATRIP – Vývoj vyspelých technológií pre odstraňovanie anorganických polutantov z vôd | |
Development of Advanced Water Treatment Technologies for the Removal of Inorganic Pollutants | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Václavíková Miroslava, PhD. |
Annotation: | Intensive industrial activities as well as old pollution represent serious threat to the environment. Among them, heavy metals became priority pollutants due to their non-degradable character. They dissociate in aqueous environment and their forms (cationic or anionic) depend on physical and chemical properties of the system. The objective of the project is the synthesis and investigation of sorbents based on Fe oxides, natural and synthetic modified porous materials as well as microorganism for the removal of heavy metals ions from aqueous media. Besides the cation exchange capacity, the attention is given to the less investigated anion exchange capacity of mentioned materials. The main goal of the project is the selective elimination of heavy metals ions from waters and their bioremediation. The reuse of remediated metals in the industrial applications significantly contributes to the development of environmental friendly technologies. The considerable attention is also given to the investigation of Fe-nanooxides prepared by microbial activity and their applications in the selective sequential precipitation. |
Duration: | 1.5.2011 – 31.10.2014 |
CEV II – Centrum excelentného výskumu získavania a spracovania zemských zdrojov-2. etapa | |
Centre of Excellence for Research and Treatment of Earth Resources – 2nd Stage | |
Program: | Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a vývoj |
Project leader: | Ing. Hredzák Slavomír, PhD. |
Annotation: | The primary objective of the project is the development of CEV for complex research tasks defined the strategic needs of Slovak economic practice and ETP for Sustainable Mineral Resources. This objective is met through improving technical and human infrastructure built workplace of excellent research in priority areas No. 12: “The use of domestic raw materials” with an emphasis on the ability to effectively address the current needs of Slovak economic practice in line with the global trend. This objective will be realized through:• Continuing factual concentration and institutional integration of research and education teams to monothematic centre in order to realize at a higher quality level joint comprehensive research in the scientific field of raw materials extraction and treatment;• Building infrastructure for mission-oriented research and development with a focus on achieving higher Slovak finalization processing of raw materials on the basis of carbonates (mainly magnesite, talc and serpentine), silicates, clay materials and secondary raw materials,• informatization digitization of production and research processes with a view to making them more effective, and improve utilization in terms of developing the concept of the Digital Factory,• Active role in the European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources and engaging in related European research network.• Use developed product and technology innovations and their implementation in enterprises using the potential of Slovak mineral resources.The strategic objective of building and operation of CEV is through the produced SMART product and technology innovations to ensure the competitiveness of Slovak mining and processing enterprises in world markets, which is a prerequisite for sustainable regional economic, social and environmental development. |
Duration: | 1.3.2010 – 30.6.2014 |
IKT – Ústavy SAV – modernizácia infraštruktúry a vnútorného vybavenia učební pre lepšie podmienky vzdelávania | |
Institutes of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice – Modernization of the Infrastructure and Internal Equipment of Teaching Facilities to Improve Education | |
Program: | Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a vývoj |
Project leader: | Ing. Ivaničová Lucia, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.8.2009 – 30.6.2014 |
Mechanická aktivácia minerálov pre environmentálne, materiálové a terapeutické aplikácie | |
Mechanical Activation of Minerals for Environmental, Materials and Terapeutic Application | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The scientific project will be aimed at modification of the properties of selected minerals by mechanical activation. Mechanical activation in a high-energy equipments will generate changes of many physico-chemical properties which can be utilize for environmental, material and therapeutic applications. Sulphide based minerals, carbonates and silicates will be studied. The potential of activated minerals will be verified for cadmium and arsenic sorption from liquid phase and carbon dioxide for sorption from gas phase, preparation of nanocrystalline copper and zinc and verification of arsenic sulphide utilization for destruction of cancer cells. |
Duration: | 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2013 |
Nerovnovážna štruktúra povrchov/rozhraní v nanooxidoch pripravených mechanochemickými metódami | |
Nonequilibrium structure of surfaces/interfaces in nanooxides prepared by mechanochemical routes | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | prof. RNDr. Šepelák Vladimír, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The nonequilibrium structure of the near-surface layers and the grain boundary regions in novel nanocrystalline oxides (mullites, perovskites, olivines, garnets) prepared via mechanochemical routes will be systematically investigated. The comparative spectroscopic studies of the local structure of bulk and nanosized oxides will enable us to separate the surface/interface effects from the core/grain effects in oxide nanoparticles. An attempt will be made to quantitatively characterize the far-from-equilibrium structural state of surfaces/interfaces in terms of the nonequilibrium cation distribution, the canted spin arrangement, the modified nearest neighbor cation configuration, and the deformed polyhedron geometry. The particle size dependent magnetic properties of the mechanochemically prepared and subsequently thermally treated nanooxides will be studied with the aim to contribute to the understanding of the structure-property relationships in nanocrystalline solids. |
Duration: | 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2013 |
Príprava nanokryštalických polovodičov na báze selenidov vysoko-energetickým mletím | |
High-energy milling preparation of nanocrystalline semiconductors on the basis of selenides | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Achimovičová Marcela, PhD. |
Annotation: | The scientific project will be focused on a preparation of the nanocrystalline bismuth and tin selenide semiconductors by high-energy milling and their characterization. In a planetary ball mill the conventional mechanochemical synthesis of tin and bismuth selenides (SnSe2, BiSe, Bi2Se3) from the elemental precursors (Sn, Bi, Se) will perform. A mechanism of bismuth selenide synthesis will be investigated in the special adapted milling equipment by the process of mechanically induced self-sustaining reaction (MSR). Moreover, a de-aggregation method of the mechanochemically synthesized selenide semiconductor particles will be studied by using of the surface-active agents, and a possibility to utilize tin selenide as an electrode material for the Li-batteries will be verified as well. |
Duration: | 2.1.2011 – 31.12.2013 |
ABRAS – Štúdium vplyvu abrazivity a iných horninových parametrov na opotrebenie nástrojov pri rozpojovaní hornín priamymi a nepriamymi metódami | |
Research of abrasiveness and other rock parameters affecting the tool wear in rock disintegration by direct and indirect methods | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Labaš Milan, PhD. |
Annotation: | Mechanical disintegration including rotary drilling is characterized by an interaction of indentor and disintegrated material. Interaction consists in the rock disintegration as a beneficial process and in tool wear as an unfavourable process. During the disintegration, the indentor is pushed against the rock surface and concurrently performs a pre-defined motion (advance- or rotational motion) according to the type of applied tool. Complex investigation of the disintegration mechanism of the wear of disintegrating tools in rock drilling shall enable to control the drilling process more effectively. Simultaneous application of direct and indirect methods for wear assessment will allow their comparison and evaluation of the effectiveness of indirect methods for continuous observation of tool wear. Correlations of tool wear and rock properties, primarily of abrasiveness, shall improve the usability of indentor selection and the applied process regime. |
Duration: | 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2013 |
ARMOLI – Minerály arzénu v moderných aplikáciach | |
Arsenic minerals in advanced applications | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Project is dealing with the utilization of arsenic minerals and compounds for non-traditional applications. The possibility of soluble arsenic forms elimination on mineral nanosorbents will be studied from the environmental point of view. Application of arsenic minerals in material and oncological research will be evaluated. Possibilities of mechanochemistry at formation of nanocrystalline structures with unique properties will be utilized. The project will be solved under umbrella of PhD. work. |
Duration: | 1.9.2009 – 30.8.2013 |
Slovenská výskumno-inovačná platforma pre trvalo udržateľné surovinové zdroje | |
Slovak research and innovative platform for sustainable mineral resources | |
Program: | Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a vývoj |
Project leader: | Ing. Hredzák Slavomír, PhD. |
Annotation: | Raw material and fuel resources are of strategic importance. Slovakia is relatively rich in non-metallic materials and successful in their use. Requirement for sustainable development in the field of raw materials but requires innovation for efficient extraction and processing of raw materials into products with higher added value. For the development of innovation and transfer them into practice is needed quality research and innovation base. Integrating the research capacity of departments (Technical University and SAV) in a common platform will create a space for the qualitative development and effective problem solving practice. Coordination of work and focus, improving personal and technical infrastructure of research will ensure its competitiveness at European level.In short:• SVIP is based on the structure of the ETP SMR, the number of current members is 4, but the platform is open to anyone interested in further cooperation.• SVIP covers the entire cycle from research, development and transfer of knowledge and technologies into practice.• SVIP integrates the available research resources and their concentration on the conceptual and applied research using domestic resources.• The strategic objective of SVIP is a comprehensive solution of tasks and projects ETP SMR.• SVIP supports collaboration R & D institutions in applied research in the region and in Slovakia and thus increasing economic growth.• SVIP focuses on the research and development of new technologies of waste into new products (dust outlets for micro and nano applications). |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 30.6.2013 |
nanoCEXmat II – Budovanie infraštruktúry Centra excelentnosti progresívnych materiálov s nano a submikrónovou štruktúrou | |
Building of Infrastructure of Centre of Excellence of Progressive Materials with Nano- and Submicrone Structure | |
Program: | Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a vývoj |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | State of the art in the contemporary experimental equipments at the Department of Mechanochemistry of the Institute of Geotechnics will be up-graded via the proposed project. Utilization of new equipments for nanophase characterization was evaluated and were designed for purchasing. The same activities are under consideration by other members of nanoCEXmat II project with the general aim to enhance infrastructure of research institutes and universities in Eastern Slovak region. |
Duration: | 1.5.2010 – 30.4.2013 |
Inovácia termickej konverzie energetických surovín aplikáciou mikrovlnnej energie | |
The Inovation of Thermal Conversion of Energetic Raw Materials by the Application of Microwave Energy | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Dolinská Silvia, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on the theoretical and experimental solution of microwave energy application at thermal decomposition of energetic raw materials. The samples will be prepared by mineral processing methods (graining, milling, separation). The research willl be aimed to microwave energy application at the extraction and pyrolysis of the compounds from coal and biomass. Conventional and microwave extraction will carry out in different solutions for reaching of organic compounds. The influence of different parameters on microwave pyrolysis process of materials will be studied. The comparison of conventional and microwave pyrolysis and extraction of the energetic raw materials and its economical and environmental aspects will be evaluated. |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012 |
Mechanochemická syntéza environmentálne prijateľných feroelektrických nanomateriálov | |
Mechanochemical Synthesis of Environmentally Friendly Ferroelectric Nanomaterials | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | It is well known that the led is dangerous for environment as well as for health and quality of life. Ferroelectric materials based on PbTiO3 presents one of the sources of mentioned environmental contamination. On the present there is a big interest to prepare similar led-free materials. Mechanosynthesis belongs to progressive preparation methods, where the effect of milling is not understood only from the mining and hydrometallurgical point of view. The scientific project will be focused on the working up the mechanochemical synthesis of ferroelectric BaTiO3 and SnTiO3 nanomaterials (as well as mechanosynthesis of ZnO nanoparticles). The project will investigate processes of mechanical activation and mechanochemical synthesis for advanced materials preparation. The functional properties of the new-synthesized ferroelectric nanomaterials will be also the aim of the study. |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012 |
Vývoj nových kompozitných materiálov na báze energetických odpadov | |
Development of new composite materials based on fly ash | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Praščáková Mária, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project will be focused on the experimental study ratio correlation of the majority Al and Si elements in fly ash and additive for the development of the new composite materials of mullite type. From the bituminous coal fly ash will be synthesized the new composite matter with the Al additive in the interval near to stoichiometric ratio. Before the final thermal process will be used the mechano-chemical pre-treatment. |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012 |
Vývoj progresívnych technológií zužitkovania vybraných odpadov v cestnom staviteľstve | |
Development of progressive technologies for utilization of selected waste materials in road construction engineering | |
Program: | Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a vývoj |
Project leader: | Doc. Ing. Kušnierová Mária, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012 |
CEV I – Centrum excelentného výskumu získavania a spracovania zemských zdrojov | |
Centre of Excellence for Research and Treatment of Earth Resources | |
Program: | Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a vývoj |
Project leader: | Ing. Hredzák Slavomír, PhD. |
Annotation: | Slovak Republic is relatively rich in non-metallic materials. The strategic importance has the use of magnesite, limestone, dolomite, talc, bentonite, etc. Requirement of sustainable development requires innovation for the efficient search, retrieval, primary and secondary processing (recycling) to products with higher added value. For higher order innovation throughout the value chain is needed quality scientific and research base, which is historically in this area situated in Kosice. Integration of research conducted at the Technical University and SAV make room for the qualitative development that will address current problems of practice. The current staffing is characterized by high professionalism and ability to generate new original solutions. Improving the technical infrastructure of research has also enhanced its competitiveness on the European level. Excellent research center (CEV) is generated by integrating technical and personnel support of research institutes TU and SAV. Substantive integration is done through addressing common research projects.Organizational integration ensures the Research-development workplace of BERG faculty by coordinated research activities and through its organizational branch – Cooperation centre with practice and linking the research to business practice. This is created preconditions for basic research oriented to the needs of Slovak mining and manufacturing industries and accelerated transfer of results into practice. Connecting the workplace to ETP SMR is realized through the official membership of applicant and engaging in platform activity solutions by joint research projects. Educational activities will be carried out within existing forms of study, respectively creating new programs focused on innovation activities. Implementation of the project to ensure critical mass of research potential for the design of energy, environmental, material and cost effective solutions. Effective support activities (especially upgraded technical infrastructure), applied process approach and informatization of processes quickly bring valuable innovation. Their application enables sustainable development in the raw materials extraction and treatment and the emergence of new business activities in the region. System integration work of the Technical University and the Institute of Geotechnics SAV connected to the practice and education professionals comprehensively cover research in priority areas – use of domestic resources and the European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources (ETP). Dissemination of the project results will be reflected in the emergence of new publications, patents, educational programs and business activities. |
Duration: | 1.5.2009 – 30.4.2012 |
Fyzikálne a fyzikálno-chemické vlastnosti modifikovaných prírodných minerálov s cieľom ich environmentálneho využitia | |
Physical and physico-chemical properties of modified natural minerals with the aim of their environmental utilization | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Mockovčiaková Annamária, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011 |
Štúdium rozpojovania hornín nepriamymi metódami | |
Study of rock disintegration by indirect methods | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Krepelka František, PhD. |
Annotation: | Rock disintegration by mechanical tools or disc rollers is a fundamental operation used in the exploitation of mineral resources, in the mining and in excavation of engineering underground constructions. Due to presented reasons it is necessary to investigate and improve the effectiveness of rock disintegration process. Mechanical means of rock disintegration have acquired significant attention in recent time worldwide. The processes of rock disintegration are usually studied by both direct and indirect methods. The indirect methods are focused on accessory phenomena (effects) at disintegration, e.g. noise and vibrations. Recognition of accessory effects arising at the rock disintegration by the methods of mathematical modelling, fuzzy logics, neural networks, etc., improves the knowledge on mechanism of the interaction between the rock and tool. |
Duration: | 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011 |
In – situ biolúhovacia predúprava priemyselných minerálov | |
In – situ bioleaching pretreatment of industrial minerals | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Štyriaková Iveta, PhD. |
Annotation: | Biotechnological treatment of non-metallic ores presents a new alternative way of effective treatment of industrial minerals in combination with magnetic separation. Bioleaching process is suitable to use also in Slovakia because any technology of non-metallic processing is not used in Slovakia and non-metallics of higher quality are imported. A new economical refinement in-situ procedure capable of producing high-quality raw materials through the bacterial removal and recovery of iron impurities from quartz sands and other industrial minerals. In-situ bioleaching showed the most important factors that modify the interaction process of bacteria with mineral surface and extracted ions. Life conditions and growth of microorganisms will be monitored during in situ bioleaching. The new refinement procedure will use indigenous or inoculated bacteria. Under regulated conditions of bacterial activity, there will possible to make the biological and chemical processes at pretreatment or treatment of raw materials more effective. |
Duration: | 1.6.2008 – 30.6.2011 |
NANOCEXMAT – Centrum excelentnosti progresívnych materiálov s nano a submikrónovou štruktúrou | |
Centre of Excellence of Progressive Materials with Nano- and Submicrone Structure | |
Program: | Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a vývoj |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.5.2009 – 30.4.2011 |
Bakteriálne oxidačné a redukčné procesy pri mobilizácii a stabilizácii kovov v prírodnom prostredí sulfidických ložísk | |
Bacterial oxidative and reductive processes in connection with the mobilization and stabilization of metals in the environments of sulfide deposits | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | MVDr. Kupka Daniel, PhD. |
Annotation: | The submitted project is aimed at the study of bacterial oxidative and reductive reactions in connection with the transformation of ore minerals in acidic environments. The oxidation processes of iron, sulfur and sulfide minerals which determine the acid mine drainage generation will be studied. The bacterial dissimilative reduction of FeIII to FeII by acidophilic heterotrophic bacteria of Acidiphilium genus will be studied in detail. These bacteria respire FeIII in the presence of oxygen and induce the reductive dissolution of secondary minerals structures (Fe-oxides, oxihydroxides and oxihydroxysulfates) which form in the sediments of mine waters recipients. The reduction of Fe minerals produces alkalinity and under certain conditions it can induce the change of oxidative conditions which support the ore sulfide dissolution and acid generation, to anoxic conditions which support the reductive reactions |
Duration: | 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010 |
Biokorózia stavebných materiálov | |
Biocorrosion of building materials | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | Topicality of the proposed project is conditional of the natural and irreversible processes of the building materials degradation and deterioration. Involved processes be under way in consequence of exogenous physical, chemical and biological influences. Biological influences represent the influence of the vegetation and microorganisms and these induce biocorrosion. The project is oriented on the utilization of the knowledge from the area of natural and technical sciences in the framework of study and development of suitable methods of identification, monitoring and elimination of the building materials biocorrosion for purpose of the protection of environment and the labour protection. The preferred research area of the proposal project is study of the concrete biocorrosoin due to the sulphuretum activity i.e. microorganisms of the dissimilatory part of the biological circulation of sulphur and its compounds in biosphere. |
Duration: | 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010 |
Bioremediačný potenciál minerálnej a bakteriálnej mobilizácie a imobilizácie kovov | |
Bioremedial potential of minerals and bacterial metal mobilization and imobilization | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Štyriaková Iveta, PhD. |
Annotation: | Human activities such as industrial effluents and weathering processes have increase flux of metals in environments. The activity of relatively high microbial numbers in Earth\’s surface require precise evaluation of biogeochemical weathering of sediments and soil and the manners of cycle of metals. Microbial colonization and organic material can dramatically impact both the rates and the mechanisms of minerals weathering reactions and mobilization and immobilization of metals. Problems connected with the formation of clay and iron minerals have a great practical importance for the content of unrequested admixtures in sediments, soils and non-metallics from one point of view, and enable to explain many features of the formation of contaminated environment. The main scientific goal of the project proposal will be the study of possibilities of metals removal from sediments, soil and non-metallics and the obtaining of new knowledge in field of bioremediation technology. |
Duration: | 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010 |
NANOSMART – Centrum nanokryštalických materiálov | |
Centre of Nanocrystalline Materials | |
Program: | Centrá excelentnosti SAV |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2010 |
Nové postupy úpravy tuhých a kvapalných odpadov z banského, hutníckeho a energetického priemyslu | |
Novel treatment techniques of solid and liquid wastes from mining, metallurgical and power generation industry | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Jakabský Štefan, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010 |
Štúdium atmosférickej depozície vo vzťahu k ťažkým kovom a minerálnym disperziám vo vybraných oblastiach Slovenska s banským a hutníckym priemyslom | |
Study on atmospheric deposition in relation to heavy metals and mineral dispersions in selected areas of Slovakia with mining and metallurgical industries | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Hančuľák Jozef, PhD. |
Annotation: | The content of hazardous substances in atmospheric deposition (AD) is one way of their input to individual components of environment. Besides gaseous emissions, both mining and metallurgical industries also produce solid emissions, which by their special composition significantly influence the quality and quantity of inputs from AD, above all in their vicinity. The inputs of selected heavy metals and mineral dispersions into components of environment will be qualitatively and quantitatively determined by analysis and study of samples obtained from monitoring of AD in observed areas. The following areas will be monitored: the area of Nižná Slaná and Jelšava with mining industry and the one of Krompachy and Central Spiš with metallurgical and former mining industries. The solution and results of project bring new knowledges with subsequent possible application in other practical tasks, which require understanding of real level of immission load of environmental components in given area. |
Duration: | 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010 |
Štúdium novej generácie environmentálnych nanoadsorbentov a nosičov účinných látok na báze pórovitých materiálov | |
Study of New Generation of Environmental Nanoadsorbents and Carriers of Effective Substances on the Basis of Porous Materials | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Dolinská Silvia, PhD. |
Annotation: | Study of modified porous natural and synthetic materials, including their biomodifications, with focusing on their application in environmental areas as a new generation of nanocomposite sorbents. The study of the natural materials will be oriented at the exploitation of home deposits – the zeolite of clinoptilolite type from the East Slovakian deposit in Nižný Hrabovec. The studied novel types of environmental nanocomposite sorbents will beaimed at the sorption of the heavy metals residua as well as other toxic compounds, pyridine and their derivates, pertinently at the reduction of emissions. The prepared materials will be characterized by methods of chemical, thermal, microscopic analyses, RTG, XPS, IR, NMR spectroscopy, conductivity measurements, by method of determination of surface area by low temperature nitrogen adsorption, focused at the assessment of the sorption and desorption. |
Duration: | 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010 |
Štúdium sprievodného vibračného signálu pri minimalizácii špecifickej energie rozpojovania hornín | |
Research of accompanying vibration signal at minimization of specific disintegration energy of rock cutting | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Miklúšová Viera, PhD. |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010 |
Termická stabilita nanomateriálov pripravených mechanochemickými metódami | |
Thermal stability of nanomaterials prepared by mechanochemical methods | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | prof. RNDr. Šepelák Vladimír, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Nanocrystalline oxides (aluminates, stannates, hexaferrites) will be prepared via two different mechanochemical routes: mechanosynthesis and mechanical activation of corresponding bulk materials. Quantitative information on the thermally induced evolution of the structural disorder (nonequilibrium cation distribution, canted spin arrangement, the nearest neighbor cation configuration, deformation of the polyhedron geometry, etc.) in both mechanosynthesized and mechanically activated complex oxides will be provided. The particle size dependent magnetic properties of mechanochemically prepared nanomaterials will be studied with the aim to contribute to the understanding of the structure-property relationships in nanocrystalline solids. The range of thermal stability of mechanically induced metastable states and the mechanism of their relaxation into a low-energy state will be determined by studying the response of nanosized oxides to changes in temperature. |
Duration: | 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010 |
Využitie mechanochemických postupov v mineralurgických procesoch a pri príprave nanomateriálov | |
Using of mechanochemical methods in mineralurgical processes and at preparation of nanomaterials | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Achimovičová Marcela, PhD. |
Annotation: | A research will be focused on using of mechanochemical methods in the mineralurgical processes and at the preparation of nanocrystalline semoconductors and nanocomposites. The scientific project will investigate the possibilities of mechnochemical reduction of metal sulphides by magnesium in a laboratory and an industrial mill. Cementator properties will be modified by mechanical activation, which contribute to a higher effectiveness of cementation technology. Moreover mechanical activation will be used in mechanochemical carbonation of selected minerals which will affect on process CO2 sequestration by these minerals. In the project non-cyanide process of extraction of gold and silver from the Au-Ag wastes will be performed. |
Duration: | 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010 |
SPRINCO – Vzťahy medzi štruktúrou a vlastnosťami nanokryštalických komplexných oxidov pripravených mechanochemickými metódami | |
Structure-property relationships in nanocrystalline complex oxides prepared by mechanochemical methods | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | prof. RNDr. Šepelák Vladimír, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Nanocrystalline complex oxides with ferrimagnetic, ferroelectric and/or piezoelectric properties will be prepared via two different mechanochemical routes: mechanosynthesis and mechanical activation of corresponding bulk materials. Quantitative microstructural information on the mechanically induced structural disorder (the non-equilibrium cation distribution, the non-collinear spin arrangement, an alteration of the nearest neighbour configuration deformation of the polyhedron geometry, etc.) in both mechanically activated and mechanosynthesized oxides will be attempted. The magnetic, dielectric and mechanical responses of the as-prepared materials will be studied experimentally and theoretically with the aim to contribute to the understanding of the structure-property relationships in nanoscale oxides. Based on the comparison of the experimental and theoretical results, the properties of the oxide nanoparticles will be additionally tailored by suitably controlling their size. The range of thermal, chemical and structural stability of mechanically induced metastable states and the mechanism of their relaxation into a low-energy state will be determined by studying the response of nanosized oxides to changes in temperature. |
Duration: | 1.6.2008 – 31.12.2010 |
Extrakcia organických látok z uhlia a biomasy | |
The Extraction of Organic Substances from the Coal and Biomass | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Dolinská Silvia, PhD. |
Annotation: | The proposed project is aimed at the study of organic compounds extraction from coal, lignite and biomass. The extraction process of seskviterpene, terpene, humic acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) will be studied in the conditions of various extraction regimes (Soxhlet extraction, distillation by water vapour, Supercritical Fluid Extraction – SFE and Microwave-assisted extraction – MAE). The mechanism of microwave-assisted extraction will be valuated in the conditions of boiling point solutions at the extraction of low-molecular diterpene and high-molecular humic substances and PAHs. The supercritical fluid extraction terpene compounds will be studied in the conditions of low-temperature SFE with CO2 and high-temperature SFE with polar and non-polar solutions. The environmental research of extraction and refinement of carbon precursors will be oriented especially to identification of PAHs. The effect of refined humic acids on the process of biochemical reduction of Fe3+ salts will be studied. |
Duration: | 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009 |
MENANO – Mechanochemická syntéza nanokryštalických látok pre aplikácie vo vyspelých technológiach | |
Mechanochemical synthesis of nanocrystalline materials for applications in advanced technology | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Mechanochemical synthesis of nanocrystalline materials from various precursors in laboratory and industrial scale. Characterization of nanocrystalline materials and their testing. The preparation of nanocrystalline semiconductors and metal-ceramic nanocomposites in laboratory and industrial mills, the study of 1D-nanostructures, the study of synthesis kinetics and the side efects of nanophase aggregation will be the main topic in the nine stages of the project working up. The synthesized nanomaterials will be characterized by the modern identification methods and tested as possible nanosorbents for toxic metals elimination. |
Duration: | 1.2.2007 – 31.12.2009 |
Návrh logistického systému dopravy nerastných surovín s implementáciou reverznej logistiky s cieľom zníženia ekonomickej, energetickej náročnosti a enviromentálnej záťaže. | |
Design of logistical system for mineral raw materials transport with implementation of reverse logistics in order to reduce economic, energy intensity and environmental load | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Hredzák Slavomír, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009 |
Štúdium úpravy dnových sedimentov vodných tokov a nádrží z oblastí s aktuálnou a ukončenou banskou činnosťou | |
A study of the treatment of bottom sediments of watercourses and reservoirs in areas with a current and finished mining activity | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Brehuv Ján, PhD. |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009 |
Výskum exaktných metód hodnotenia efektívnosti a kvality procesu rozpojovania hornín rotačným vŕtaním | |
Research of exact methods of evaluation of effectiveness and quality of rock disintegration process by rotary drilling | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Krepelka František, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009 |
Bioremediácia území znečistených organickými látkami | |
Bioremediation of the sites contaminated by organic compounds | |
Program: | Iné projekty |
Project leader: | MVDr. Kupka Daniel, PhD. |
Annotation: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2008 – 21.12.2009 |
ZOMEKA – Zachytávanie CO2 mechanochemickou karbonizáciou nerastov | |
CO2 sequestration by mechanochemical carbonation of minerals | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The project is aimed at modification of properties of selected minerals to bind carbon dioxide. Under umbrella of the project is PhD. thesis preparation and the survey in literature will be the first part project solution. Optimization of mechanochemical activation will be the important part of the project. Milling in planetary mill and in an attritor will be performed in laboratory conditions. Reactivity with carbon dioxide will be also verified in an industrial mill. The final part of the project will lead to PhD. thesis preparation. |
Duration: | 1.11.2006 – 30.11.2009 |
Riešenie teoretických a praktických problémov uplatnenia mikrovlnej energie v mineralurgii a environmentálnych technológiách | |
Solution of theoretical and practical problems of microwave energy application in minerallurgy and environmental technologies | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Jakabský Štefan, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.5.2006 – 30.9.2009 |
Štúdium možnosti aplikácie remediačných metód pri eliminácii environmentálneho rizika kyslých banských vôd starej banskej záťaže Smolník | |
The study of the application possibilities of remediation methods in the elimination of environmental risk of acid mine drainage at the old mine loading Smolník | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The matter of the project is the study of possibilities for treatment of acid mine drainage and sediments in the specific conditions of the old mine loading Smolník. The proposal of solution results from monitoring of the locality running for several years, documenting the continued production of strong mineralized and acid mine waters with the high content of heavy metals and sulphates. Whereas there is no condition on self-improving of the situation, one from the possible solution is the treatment of out-flowing acid mine drainage, which enable to eliminate of hazardous elements, or obtaining of useful compounds before they entering into the hydrosphere cycle. The water quality has the marked influence on hazardous elements content in sediments, which can be the potential source of secondary water pollution. Proposed project is focused on development of optimal physical-chemical and biological-chemical methods for pollutant elimination from acid mine drainage and sediments subject to environment. |
Duration: | 1.5.2006 – 30.9.2009 |
Hodnotenie porchov a pórovitých štruktúr rôznych minerálov v chemických, fyzikálnych a biologických procesoch ich úpravy | |
Evaluation of surface and pore structure of various materials after chemical, physical and biological treatments | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Mockovčiaková Annamária, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 1.12.2008 |
Kvantifikácia distribúcie energie pri mechanickom rozpojovaní hornín | |
Quantification of energy distribution at mechanical rock disintegration | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Krepelka František, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 1.12.2008 |
Materiálové zhodnocovanie poplčekov zo spaľovania uhlia.vo výrobe cementu a betónových kompozitov.. | |
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Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Doc. Ing. Kušnierová Mária, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 1.12.2008 |
Modelovanie výkonu razenia tunelovacieho stroja metódou fuzzy | |
Modelling the excavation performence of the tunneling machines by fuzzy methods | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Lazarová Edita, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 1.12.2008 |
Vplyv žiarovo striekaných práškových materiálov na stav.zvyškových napätí v povrchových vrstvách.. | |
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Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | prof. RNDr. Briančin Jaroslav, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 1.12.2008 |
Identifikácia a kvantifikácia faktorov efektívneho zhutňovania jemnozrnných uhlíkatých surovín a bioodpadov- | |
Identification and quantification of the factors affecting the effective compaction of fine – grained carbonaceous materials and bio-wasters | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Miklúšová Viera, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2005 – 1.12.2007 |
Mechanochemická príprava nanokryštalických látok a ich využitie v mineralurgii | |
Mechanochemical Preparation of Nanocrystalline Substances and its Application in Mineral Processing | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Dr.h.c. prof. RNDr. Baláž Peter, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2005 – 1.12.2007 |
Modelovanie geochemického vývoja kyslých banských vôd a štúdium možnosti ich bioremediácie na ložisku Smolník | |
Geochemical modelling of acid mine drainage generation and the study of their bioremediation at Smolnik deposit. | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2005 – 1.12.2007 |
Nanokryštalické komplexné oxidy pripravené intenzívnym mletím | |
Nanoscale complex oxides prepared by intensive milling | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | prof. RNDr. Šepelák Vladimír, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2005 – 1.12.2007 |
Pohyb a transformácia ortuti v životnom prostredí území s bývalou banskou činnosťou na Slovensku | |
The movement and transformation of mercury in the environtment of territory with former mining activity in Slovakia | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Hančuľák Jozef, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2005 – 1.12.2007 |
Vplyv vybraných fyzikálnych polí na syntézu a správanie sa magnetických sorbentov v procesoch ich získavania a pri úprave vôd | |
Influence of selected physical fields on synthesis and behaviour of magnetic sorbents in the processes of their recovering and water treatnement | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Jakabský Štefan, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2005 – 1.12.2007 |
ENVIBIOKAT – Štúdium environmentálnej biologickej katalýzy v procesoch acidifikácie a mineralizácie banských vôd v biotopoch starých banských záťaží po ťažbe sulfidických rúd | |
Study of environmental biological catalysis of mine drainage acidification and mineralization in old mine biotope after exploitation of sulphidic ores | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Luptáková Alena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project focuses on the study of existence and development of biological "in-situ" processes in the contact zones of hydrosphere and lithosphere in the sulphide ore deposits and their waste deposits. These processes are catalysed to a higher or smaller degree by autochthonous Fe- and S-oxidising microorganisms resulting in the formation of acid mine drainage containing the limit-exceeding heavy metals, which have a strong devastation effect on the surrounding environment. The project objective is to develop a method for the evaluation of environmental risk of these spontaneous natural processes and to study the possibility to use the reversible natural bio-reduction processes for liquidation of unwanted effects of acid mine drainage on the surrounding biotope. |
Duration: | 1.1.2002 – 31.12.2004 |
FOCAT – Fotokatalytické čistenie kontaminovaných vôd a vzduchu použitím nanomateriálov | |
Photocatalytic purification of contamined water and air using nanostructured materials | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is directed towards studying the processes of photocatalytic purification of polluted water and air, using nanostructured materials mostly on the basis of oxides. It will be focused on comparison the efficiency of photocatalysts – semiconductors based on oxides, obtained by mechanochemical synthesis with other commercial photocatalysts. The presently known commercial TiO2 photocatalysts, based on anatase/rutile synergism, will be improved by finding an appropriate substitute of the either of anatase or rutile component with other narrow-band semiconductors. Obtaining and applying the visible-light-active photocatalysts to water and air treatment and testing them in suspension reactors (water purification) and in flat-plate gas-phase continuous flow photocatalytic reactor (air purification) will be the aim of our study. The kinetics of the photocatalytic reactions will be evaluated on the basis of Langmuir-Hinshelwood model both under continuous flow conditions (plug-flow reactor) and under flow-circulation conditions using a gas circulation pump (ideal mixing reactor) to enter the kinetic region. The effect of the thickness of the photocatalytic coating with respect to operation in the diffusion or in the kinetic region will be estimated. Optimal experimental conditions for maximal conversion degree will be selected in view of achieving steady state operation and optimal reactor configuration removing the dead zones. |
Duration: | 0.0.0000 – 0.0.0000 |
HINOX – Vzťahy medzi štruktúrou a nezvyčajnými fyzikálnymi vlastnosťami vo vysoko-nerovnovážnych oxidoch pripravených nekonvenčnou mechanochemickou syntézou | |
Relationships between structure and unusual physical properties in highly nonequilibrium oxides prepared by unconventional mechanochemical synthesis | |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | RNDr. Fabián Martin, PhD. |
Annotation: | Nonconventional mechanochemical methods will be used to prepare the far-from-equilibrium novel nanooxides. The studies of the early stages of the mechanically induced nucleation and growth of nonequilibrium phases will provide access to the elucidation of the microscopic mechanism of the nonconventional mechanochemical preparation route. This point represents one of the fundamental but till now the unsolved scientific issues in the field of mechanochemistry/solid state chemistry. Valuable quantitative insights into the atomic and electronic structures as well as into the dynamic and kinetic processes in the mechanochemically prepared nanomaterials will be obtained. Mechanical, magnetic and electric responses of the far-from-equilibrium nanophases will be studied experimentally with the aim to establish the interplay between their local structure and the functional behavior. |
Duration: | 0.0.0000 – 0.0.0000 |