
Václavíková, Miroslava

Select year reporting publications:

Publications in 2024:
  • BODNAR YANKOVYCH, Halyna** – ABREU-JAUREGUÍ, Coset – FARRANDO-PEREZ, Judit – MELNYK, Inna – VÁCLAVÍKOVÁ, Miroslava – SILVESTRE-ALBERO, Joaquín**. Advanced Removal of Dyes with Tuning Carbon/TiO2 Composite Properties. In Nanomaterials-Basel, 2024, vol. 14, no. 3, art. no. 309. ISSN 2079-4991. Dostupné na: (H2020- SYSTEM -787128 : Synergy of integrated sensors and technologies for urban secured environment. APVV-19-0302 : Hybrid Composites for Complex Treatment of Industrial Waters. Štefan Schwarz Postdoc Fellowship No. 2022/OV1/010 : PHOTOCATALYTICALLY ACTIVE ACTIVATED CARBON COMPOSITES FOR ELIMINATION OF ORGANIC POLLUTANTS) Typ: ADCA